DD2 is 5 months and I went back to work when she was 2 months old. I've never been able to pump more than 4oz each session but my supply has slowly dwindled to 2oz. I have tried everything: oatmeal, fenugreek, More Milk plus, teas, power pumping, adding in extra pumping sessions, you name it. Absolutely nothing has increased the amount of milk I was able to pump.
My frozen stash has been gone for about a month and we've had to supplement with formula. Is there any way to change the output of pumping? My flanges are the right size, I look at photos/videos of DD2, read, don't look at how much I'm pumping while I'm pumping, etc. Nothing changes.
Has anyone found a way to respond better to pumping?
Re: Anyone Not Respond Well to the Pump?
It's so frustrating.