
Anyone Not Respond Well to the Pump?

DD2 is 5 months and I went back to work when she was 2 months old.  I've never been able to pump more than 4oz each session but my supply has slowly dwindled to 2oz.  I have tried everything: oatmeal, fenugreek, More Milk plus, teas, power pumping, adding in extra pumping sessions, you name it.  Absolutely nothing has increased the amount of milk I was able to pump.

My frozen stash has been gone for about a month and we've had to supplement with formula.  Is there any way to change the output of pumping?  My flanges are the right size, I look at photos/videos of DD2, read, don't look at how much I'm pumping while I'm pumping, etc.  Nothing changes.

Has anyone found a way to respond better to pumping?

Re: Anyone Not Respond Well to the Pump?

  • This is going to be an obvious question, but do you drink enough water?
  • This is going to be an obvious question, but do you drink enough water?
    I do, I have a water bottle that I'm constantly refilling throughout the day.  The pump is new as well and I replace the membranes about once a month.  

    It's so frustrating.
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  • Bah, then I really have no advice. I get back to work next week and am dreading the possibility of my supply dwindling. But at least you got your babe this far!

    Out of curiosity, what pump do you use? I ended up switching to Spectra when LO was about 8 weeks and it's made a huge difference -- I get 6-8oz per pump now in 25 min instead of 5oz in 45-60 min with the Medela PISA.
  • I've been using the Medela PISA.  I've never heard of the Spectra, I'll have to look into it.

  • The one i have is the Spectra S1. (S2 is identical but without the battery and thus cheaper).
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