
Not sure what this means...

So, I have stimmed for 3 days so far (injectables only) and had my CD6 ultrasound and bloodwork today. I had 9 follicles between 10 and 11.7 and several others in the 7-9 range. This is after taking Follistim 125IU for 3 days. The plan is to do TI or IUI this round. I got a call from the nurse that they want to decrease my dosage to 50iu of Gonal-F (I had issues with shipping the meds and finished the sample of Follistim my doc gave me yesterday; Gonal-F was the original prescription and I'm supposed to switch to it today), and I need to go back in tomorrow morning. Does anyone have any thoughts on my progress? I was expecting them to decrease my dose after the US but not necessarily by that much, and I really didn't think I'd have to go back tomorrow. Do you think I'm at risk of having this cycle cancelled? Anyone know if it would be possible to convert to IVF, if so? I just feel like yelling, "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?!?" At the top of my lungs. Hahahaha...infertility is making me crazy!
Married to DH 10/6/12
TTC since 5/14
Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

"Great Things are Happening"

Re: Not sure what this means...

  • @riveridgional Sorry you are feeling confused. Know you're not alone. I feel like I leave every appointment with more questions then answers. My mind races with the flow of information and I never ask the right questions when my RE is sitting in front of me. If you haven't yet had your appointment today I would suggest writing down your questions ahead of time and keep the paper in your hand! I wrote mine down before the last appointment and they never left my purse. :)

    Good luck at your appointment. I hope the news is positive. 
  • Thanks @Mel&40! I did have my appointment today and the nurse said everything is looking great. I just have so many right now that are 11s and 12s that it worries me a little. I know my RE is known as "one of the best," so I have complete faith that everything will work out as best as it can under his direction. I stay at the same 50iu dose this afternoon and go back in again tomorrow. Unless I see that only a few have branched out and grown more, I am going to voice my concern of having too many. Hopefully, they will explain the progression for this type of cycle and that will make me feel better. The only person I know with infertility issues went straight from oral meds to IVF, so I have no one else to talk to to gauge my progress. I am relieved with my response to meds since IVF will be the next step for us if this round isn't successful, but I'm really hoping this round works and I only get 1 or 2 (3 at the very most) babies!
    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
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  • For my last IUI cycle, I went in after 5 days of stims and had 8-9 in the 11-13mm range, so I was decreased from 175IU to 125IU Gonal-F, went in two days later and had 7 in the 13-16mm range.  I was decreased to 75IU Gonal-F and went in the next day and had 5 mature and 2 close.  The NP at my clinic explained the decreasing dose as "feeding the follicles less."  So, as they give less, they should grow slower and less should mature, I guess.  It ended up working out for me.   Good luck!
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
  • @emsmama15 Thank you so much! That makes me feel so much better!!
    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
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