July 2015 Moms

baby girl earings

Are any of you going to have your girls ears pierced? And at what age? I had mine done when I was 3 months old, and I'm perfectly fine, no emotional scars from it ;)

Re: baby girl earings

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    I am going to wait until she is older. I have skin allergies and ended up having to stop wearing earings altogether because they would irritate my ears too much. Just in case she got any skin issues from me, I want her to be able to tell me if they are bugging her. Also, it would be nice if she could take care of them herself. :)
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    We plan on piercing as soon as her earlobes grow out a bit more. She has her mummy's lobes (almost non existent) and we want to make sure that they get pierced in the right spot! Otherwise I would do it sooner.
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    I had mine done as a baby as well, but I want to wait until this LO is old enough to remember. When she asks we can make it a mommy-daughter bonding day.
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    I had mine done when I was about 3 months I believe they recommend 6 months now so that's when I'll do hers
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    I waited until my first daughter was 3 1/2, she asked for them. Worked out perfectly. I'll do the same for my second daughter when her time comes. But i had mine pierced as a baby and was fine. Personal preference I s'pose.
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    I'm getting my daughters done next month!
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    I will wait until be daughters request to have them pierced. Who am I to poke holes in them without knowing if they want them done.
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    I want her to be able to ask for them. I remember how excited I was when my mom took me in to get mine done. I want her to have a memory like that.
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    I got mine when I was 1 year old, we will probably wait till around that time
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    We will be getting my daughters as soon as the doctor will do them. She is 7 weeks right now. My guess is around 3 months
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    I asked my hubby if he wanted to get her ears pierced at the 6 month mark when they are able to and he said no let's wait until it's something she can ask for and is an exciting thing for her instead of just doing it without her even knowing what they are. I agree with him now, seems better to wait, I just think it will be so exciting when she runs up asking mommy if she can get her ears pierced!
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    keri0426 said:

    I will wait until be daughters request to have them pierced. Who am I to poke holes in them without knowing if they want them done.

    I feel exactly the same. And I am getting crap from both sides of the family.
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    DD1 had her ears pierced when she was 6 months old, terrible the gun got stuck and she was crying in pain and she doesn't even like or wear earrings now and she's 7, we decided not to pierce DD2 ears until she's old enough to ask if she wants to... It will b her choice not ours
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    If your girl of lets say 3 years old ask fir the.; and you have it done. She still wont remember it, so you'll probably have to wait untill she's around 7 years old
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    Wow, typing errors!
    *ask for it
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    I want to wait until my DDs are old enough to ask for it, I had a great bonding day with my mom when I got mine in elementary school and would love to do the same. Unless of course they don't want to, I know a lot of people that don't have pierced ears.
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    I love the idea of waiting and making it a bonding experience when she's old enough to remember it and ask for them to be done but on the other hand waiting till they are older may be worse because they understand what's happening and may flip out when in the chair and be scared and cry and end up with lopsided piercings. Also when they are very young babies they don't realize they are there and therefore won't touch and play with them which also lowers the chance of them getting infected. I had mine done at 6 mths and I'm glad I did but I'm not entirely sure when I'll pierce my daughters ears.
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    I love the idea of waiting and making it a bonding experience when she's old enough to remember it and ask for them to be done but on the other hand waiting till they are older may be worse because they understand what's happening and may flip out when in the chair and be scared and cry and end up with lopsided piercings. Also when they are very young babies they don't realize they are there and therefore won't touch and play with them which also lowers the chance of them getting infected. I had mine done at 6 mths and I'm glad I did but I'm not entirely sure when I'll pierce my daughters ears.

    Depends how old they are when they ask for them. I had decided if I had a girl she wasn't getting ear rings until she asked for them and was old enough to be responsible enough to care for them. I got mine done at 18
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