
Weight estimated at 32 weeks

Today, my ultrasounds showed my twins weights are: A 4.1lbs & B 4.7 lbs. this seems kind of big to me for being 32 weeks. I know weight estimates can vary but does anyone have any insight? I'm so worried this means I'll deliver much earlier than 38 weeks.
DH & I married 12/17/2012
Me (31)-dx w/PCOS 2007, when married to ex-husband after MC
DH (41)-no MFI
07/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI= chem preg ;(
08/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
09/2014-Clomid 100mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
10/2014-benched due to RE out of town, tying naturally!
11/2014-benched due to cyst
12/2014-Femara 5mg + stair step with additional 5 days Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI=BFN
01/2015-Femara 5mg + Gonal F 25 units + trigger (plus additional Gonal F 100 units on trigger night) + IUI= BFP!!! Twins due 10/2015
09/28/2015- Surprise!  Conrad and Hudson born at 35w6d!  

Re: Weight estimated at 32 weeks

  • I can't comment as to whether it means you'd deliver early or not but I would say that bigger is definitely better than smaller. Of course you want to cook them as long as you can but underweight babies come with a lot more health issues, in my opinion/experience. So I would personally be celebrating this!
  • That sounds pretty close to the measurements I had at that time.  I ended up delivering early (35+3).  My guys were 5lb4oz (my little lady) and 6lb1oz (my big guy).  They did really well and were so big for being early.  My guy did end up going to NICU but he had fluid on his lungs from my emergency C-section.  If not for the section I'm sure I would've been bringing them both home.  The bigger the better!
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  • That's perfectly normal. My twin girls measured around that as well. I had a scheduled c-section at 38w2d. So I would've gone longer on my own. My girls were 6lbs 13oz and 7lbs 6oz. No NICU or anything. Perfectly healthy babies. Rejoice that you've got 2 healthy babies in you.

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  • Thanks for all your feedback, ladies!! I am certainly thrilled that they are growing & thriving! I'm just so scared of preterm labor but know all I can do is take care of myself & these sweet babies. At what point did you ladies stop working, if at all? I'm an RN & constantly on my feet---I'm debating whether or not it's time to scale back a bit.
    DH & I married 12/17/2012
    Me (31)-dx w/PCOS 2007, when married to ex-husband after MC
    DH (41)-no MFI
    07/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI= chem preg ;(
    08/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
    09/2014-Clomid 100mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
    10/2014-benched due to RE out of town, tying naturally!
    11/2014-benched due to cyst
    12/2014-Femara 5mg + stair step with additional 5 days Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI=BFN
    01/2015-Femara 5mg + Gonal F 25 units + trigger (plus additional Gonal F 100 units on trigger night) + IUI= BFP!!! Twins due 10/2015
    09/28/2015- Surprise!  Conrad and Hudson born at 35w6d!  
  • this doesn't mean you'll deliver early. And with twins, the bigger the never know if you will deliver early and it's better for them to have fat reserve if you do. For my first set of twins, they were estimated to be 3.3lb and 3.4lb which is the 85% and 87% when I was 28 weeks. I don't have the stats from my 33 week evaluation, but I went into pre term labor at 33 weeks and was ablet o keep my boys baking til 36 weeks. They were born 5lb 10oz and 5lb 9oz at 36 weeks. So I'd say your estimate is right on track. Even being "big for twins" as the pediatrician said, you could see the loose skin from not having enough fat on them =( 

    I basically stopped working at 31 weeks. I was nannying for 4 young kids until then. I worked once a week for 7 hours for two weeks to help the kids transition to the new nanny then went into pretern the following week. 
    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
  • I worked right up to delivery. I am on my feet all day long, constantly going. I still worked 40 hours a week, and like I said, I had a scheduled c-section at 38w2d. I would've gone longer if it hasn't been for that. You've just gotta listen to your body. I had miserable back and hip pain, but I was good other than that. Unless it was medically necessary, I wasn't going on leave before they were born. Fmla only covers 12 weeks an entire year, so I wanted as much time after they were born as I could. Best decision I made.

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