So . . . I have a baby boy, Cohen. He's got the CHD (Congenital Heart Defect) that I post about sometimes . . . Well he's about to be 4 months old on the 4th this month . . .
He has his first open heart surgery on the 30th . . . And I just took a pregnancy test . . . Guess what it said . . . Positive . . . wonderful . . . I don't know what to do . . . I feel like I've ruined everything and like I messed things up for Cohen . . . I feel like he's going to feel sad about not being the only child for a little bit . . . I can't make myself happy about this . . . I don't know how to tell my family and I sure as heck don't know how to tell my boyfriend . . . We just got back together not too long ago and I'm so scared he will leave again . . . I'm scared that my 2nd baby will have a CHD even though I know that's a 1 in 100 chance . . . I am so down on myself right now . . . So, so depressed . . . I guess what I'm trying to ask for are your opinions . . .
Well, on a lighter note . . . Now that I have internet again, I'll finally be able to attach a photo of Cohen for those that have wanted to see him
1st pic was right after he was born
2nd pic was the first day I actually got to see him
3rd pic is him just a few weeks ago
Re: Ladies . . . I feel terrible . . .
And yes it is a kiss on his cheek !
Second of all why are you blaming yourself? You didn't get pregnant on your own though, your boyfriend was right there with you!
Don't worry about Cohen, he's too young to get jealous and i'm sure he will love having a play mate. My sisters are a year apart and they have a bond that i've always been jealous of. I hope your son and new baby develop that.
I know that having a baby who is unwell is very difficult, i lose sleep over vaccination so i can only imagine what you're going through but every woman i know that got pregnant by mistake ends her story by "i wouldn't have it any other way"
Give yourself a break, once you feel the baby move i'm sure you'll feel very differently.
Couldn't have said it better myself
No real advice but I wouldn't worry about cohen being upset about not being an only child. Even if you chose to wait a few more years to have another child he still wouldnt have a memory of this. Longterm memory doesn't start until 4. All that he will know is how much you love him.
Oh and of course congrats on your pregnancy.