Hi everyone! I'm 29 weeks and just got back from my doctor appointment. We had an u/s and was told that baby girl is in the 33% and baby boy is in the 50% for weight.They are wanting me to go back in 2 weeks to check on their growth. I'm a little nervous because both of my singleton pregnancies were a breeze and never had any concerns. Is this a normal thing to have a weight difference with b/g twins? He also said that I might end up with a c/s if baby girl isn't close to baby boy's weight. Due to her being first to be born. Has anyone experienced this? My husband thinks I'm worrying over nothing, but I can't help it. This is so different from our last two children.
Re: B/G twins with different weight percentiles
Hang in there - you probably have a lot of extra monitoring in store. It can be a pain in the butt but the bright sides are that you get to see & hear your babies a lot more often & they will obviously be well looked after medically since they are monitored so often. Hopefully it'll turn out to be no biggie & you just end up with a tiny little fighter like my DD! Good luck!