
Neosure vs enfacare

which one worked best for your child? I know every one is different but just curious. We were on neosure and he seemed miserable trying to get poops out, etc I heard enfacare was more gentle but now he hasn't popped in over a day and cried all morning... Is currently up now straining like crazy and more gassy. I hate fortifying with this stuff!! :(

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Neosure vs enfacare

  • We use Neosure but DS ended up being put on Miralax for the constipation at 14 weeks. That makes it better. The ped didn't want us to switch formula so we never tried Elecare but I would've preferred to at least try before adding medicine into the mix.
  • We used Enfacare, but it made him extremely constipated. He was gaining weight so ped switched him to newborn.
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  • I use neosure mostly but will use enfacare occasionally. Both pediatrician and gastroenterologist said just give her juice if she's constipated. If give her an ounce of juice mixed in with her bottle. Then if she didn't poop id do an ounce again next feeding. They said prune juice but I just use regular apple juice that I have around the house. I heard pear is also good.
  • My son was on EnfaCare and he was the same constipated gassy the work's. His pedestrian change his milk to Nutramigen. It works great he poops everyday sometimes he's a little gassy but nothing that gripe water don't cure.
  • Our 33 weeker came home on Neosure and within 2 weeks, he was constipated and miserable. Our ped switched him to Nutramigen. He's doing so much better... Poops 2-3 daily, much happier! He does sometimes get a little gassy but we work through that with massage, gripe water or gas drops, if needed. He's also continuing to gain weight at a great rate.
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