This is my first discussion post! I've been searching the Internet for an answer and can't seem to find one so I was wondering if anyone here might have any experience that they can please share?
My question is, does a baby being able to self soothe and put themselves back to sleep without any intervention prevent or drastically reduce the sleep regression? From what I can tell in reading up on it, the so called regression is caused by babies switching to adult sleep cycles where they wake up every hour and a half cycle to check their surroundings and then often need to be put back to sleep however they typically go to sleep, whether that be rocking, nursing, etc.
As my LO Grace gets closer and closer to four months old I am dreading this sleep regression. So far I have been blessed with a very good sleeper. Right now she is sleeping from approximately 7 PM until 8 AM and gets up typically once a night to eat and sometimes not at all. When I put her down at night and after a middle of the night feeding she goes back to sleep in her crib with no crying or fussing.
My first day back to work is Wednesday and I am just hoping that if this regression hits, it can wait a few days while we all get used to the new swing of things. I would really appreciate any insight or experience you have with this! Thanks!
Re: Sleep Regression Question
My assumption would be that if a sleep trained baby went through the regression it wouldn't be as bad as one who hasn't. My LO has not been sleep trained so he relies on sleep associations (rocking, soother, etc) to fall asleep. Every 40 minutes when he finishes one REM cycle and is supposed to go to the next, he wakes up and can't go back to sleep without his sleep association. Sometimes it's as easy as popping the soother in. Other times I've had to rock him. The last 2 nights our midnight feeds have turned into a feed and then 2 HOURS of rocking before he goes back to sleep. Then he wakes up 40-45 minutes later!! (Note: I'm very tired)
So my assumption would be that your LO might wake up more but will hopefully already have the skills to put themselves back to sleep. But that's just what I assume.
Please keep us posted though. I'm very curious.
Oh and I have also heard the sleep regression can occur anywhere from 3-5 months. DS is just under 3.5 months and has started.
We just came out of a 3 week regression. (Knock on wood.) It was brutal. But now she's back to sleeping longer stretches and we haven't done any sleep training, I nurse to sleep, etc.
My LO used to sleep 8-10 hours a night. she now often wakes up before her official waking up where she cries but goes back to sleep if the room is dark and is wide awake if it's lit idk if that counts as regression or if my ped was off, i hope she's not! I'm back to work tomorrow..
We are also in the midst of switching her from her RNP to her crib - which I guess is pretty bad timing on our part.
Would it be better to keep her in the RNP and ride out the 4 month wakeful period, before switching full time to crib -or-
Keep up the crib transition even though it is completely miserable and I am having to wake up with her every hour to either put her paci back in or rock her?
Previously she had been sleeping through night 9pm-5am without nursing or comforting...
Thoughts, suggestions, advice?
My daughter was going thru the same thing and I thought I was gonna to die of exhaustion. So I purchased crib blocks that put u under the front two legs of ur crib to elevate it a little and she only woke once! Only thing that helped for me
I'm of the mind that you need to do what you have to to keep your sanity