2nd Trimester

Braxton hicks or just normal pregnancy cramps?

A little background info:
I woke up at about 2:30am one morning with severe period cramps(I have extreme period pain) I was due for my period in a day or 2 so just assumed I was getting my period. I didn't go to work that day and my husband sent me a text jokingly saying is the baby still kicking. I had a test so took it thinking it would come back negative and it came back positive. I went to the Dr that afternoon who again confirmed the pregnancy and assured me the cramps were normal as the baby is growing and moving everything around.

fast forward to this morning, im 25 weeks pregnant and Im having severe period like cramps again, they last about 20 seconds and have had quite a few in the last hour. I do not believe they are real contractions although they do bloody hurt.

Re: Braxton hicks or just normal pregnancy cramps?

  • Sit down, put your feet up, and start guzzling water. BH often happen when you are being very active or are dehydrated. If this continues and they are at regular intervals rather than being just random, or they are increasing in intensity, or you are spotting/bleeding, call your doctor.
  • Thank you :) I have not had any spotting/bleeding at all this pregnancy but im always on the look out :).
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