June 2015 Moms

10wks & Teething!?!?

Hi All! Sorry if this is a repeat post, I searched but nothing came up for this!

Is anyone else having teething symptoms already? LO just got over colic and now is drooling, sucking, and screaming! All teething symptoms. I started at 2 months but am curious if this is more common than I am thinking.

Any tips!?

Re: 10wks & Teething!?!?

  • cbrtncanadiancbrtncanadian member
    edited August 2015
    I think also red inflamed gums are a tell tale symptom it seems that many babies have discovered their hands at this point and are shoving them in their mouths, as well as drooling more. I'm thinking likely just ongoing development!

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  • Our LO was 9 weeks Monday, but has been drooling like crazy the past couple of weeks. Asked the doctor at his 2 month appointment this morning and she said some babies start teething around 3 months, but they can have symptoms for a few weeks or so beforehand
  • I too am dealing with this and the pediatrician said LO's salivary glands are beginning to function which accounts for the drool and he also just discovered his hands which is why he is gnawing on them.
  • I read somewhere the excessive drool & hands in the mouth are a defence mechanism. There saliva is anti bacterial/disinfectant and covering everything in Saliva is to protect them from bugs
  • I read somewhere the excessive drool & hands in the mouth are a defence mechanism. There saliva is anti bacterial/disinfectant and covering everything in Saliva is to protect them from bugs

    Whoah, that's so interesting! God is good and creative!
  • KarasTwin said:

    Our LO was 9 weeks Monday, but has been drooling like crazy the past couple of weeks. Asked the doctor at his 2 month appointment this morning and she said some babies start teething around 3 months, but they can have symptoms for a few weeks or so beforehand

    Ours said the same thing. LO has been drooling since 8wks.
  • Same over here and she's 9 weeks! I looked in her mouth too but I'm guessing it's just what others said above!
  • its very common! Waterproof teething mittens are my los fav. But frozen objects (paci, wash cloth) work wonders too :)
  • btm013 said:

    I too am dealing with this and the pediatrician said LO's salivary glands are beginning to function which accounts for the drool and he also just discovered his hands which is why he is gnawing on them.

    Mine started the crazy amounts of drool and hands (whole fists) in mouth at about 9 weeks. The drool is out of control. Today I was holding him with his head above my shod and it was running down my back and arm.
  • I would highly doubt it, it's pretty rare this early. Excess drool and chewing happen for many reasons besides teething
  • My LO turned 11 weeks on Thurs, and his first tooth came in on Wed. The second tooth is on it's way in. He is drooling like crazy & sucking in his fists, but also screaming/crying from about 6:00-midnight, & had less of an appetite. The baby teething gel is a lifesaver!
  • My LO turned 11 weeks on Thurs, and his first tooth came in on Wed. The second tooth is on it's way in. He is drooling like crazy & sucking in his fists, but also screaming/crying from about 6:00-midnight, & had less of an appetite. The baby teething gel is a lifesaver!

  • DD got her first tooth at 10 weeks so, yes it can be teething.
  • I'm starting to wonder the same. LO is 11 weeks tomorrow. She's been drooling, sucking on hands, etc since 8 weeks. But tonight she was screaming for over an hour straight. She never does this. I can't calm her any way besides cuddling her in my bed. She's even whimpering in her sleep. I don't know if it's all related. I have no clue but hate seeing her like this.
  • Thanks for the input ladies! It's good to know others are experiencing these symptoms too! Sounds like he is starting on a new growth adventure...ugh, just when we got done with colic LOL!
  • I notice at 2 weeks born my baby girl had a tooth! (I'm guessing she was born with it) at her 2 month appointment I mentioned it to her doc and 1st they told it wasn't an actual tooth that it would fall off within days but then another doc came in to check it out and assured me it was her tooth! Since everything for toothing is for bigger ages I didn't know what to do when she would get fussy. The doc told me to put oragel BUT just a tiny bit! Because she so small
  • @saragarciahernandez A dentist friend told us we could use Hyland Teething tablets or gel after our tongue tie revision at 11 days old so it should be fine now. It's holistic
  • Sjeff0816 said:

    I'm starting to wonder the same. LO is 11 weeks tomorrow. She's been drooling, sucking on hands, etc since 8 weeks. But tonight she was screaming for over an hour straight. She never does this. I can't calm her any way besides cuddling her in my bed. She's even whimpering in her sleep. I don't know if it's all related. I have no clue but hate seeing her like this.

    I think I figured it out. I got the Wonder Weeks app and I think she's starting Leap 3 a few days early. That has to be it!
  • So, I just read that the FDA is warning parents not to use teething gels with benzocaine or lidocaine in them. So... That sucks!
  • My baby drools so much and is always sucking on her hands! She's in a leap this week too... Miss cranky pants! I just bought a dozen more bibs so we can send them to daycare. Our biggest issue is that she keeps choking on her extra saliva!
  • Actually... I think LO really is starting to teeth (teethe?). She's been drooling and sucking on her hands for a few weeks, but now she is straight up chewing on mine. She grinds her gums into my knuckles when I'm trying to burp her. She also has her fingers in her mouth all day.
  • Ladies, whatever you do, please be careful with teething gel. Even when it says natural on the tube. Ingredients in orajel and ambasol have been linked to fatal diseases.
  • My LO started drooling and putting her fingers in her mouth constantly almost two weeks ago and sure enough, her first tooth is almost out. She is 12 weeks old.

  • I think my LO might be teething too. He's been super fussy, drooling, gnawing on everything and wanting to comfort nurse. He's refusing his pacifier too which is making it hard for him to nap. I got some teething rings which aren't helping much but he seems to like chewing on a frozen washcloth.
  • DH just said he feels bumps on LOs gums. He's 10.5 weeks. Seriously? I just ordered an amber necklace and some teethers to have when he started teething and TWO DAYS LATER he got bumps.

    Why does everything say four months? What fresh hell is this...
  • Sounds like this isn't as unusual as it seems!!! Good! Yes, the choking on drool is aweful! My LO is coughing a bit too...worrisome. I have already had docs say it's because of reflux but now I wonder if excess drool is another culprit. I have read that cold washcloths work wonders!
  • @bethanne09 let me know how the amber necklace works..or if anyone else has used them. I know it's a "pseudoscience" and there's no research to back it up but hey if it works it works..
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • I know a few moms that swear by them
  • Has anyone found any teething products that actually help?
    I've been thinking that LO is starting teething for a few weeks but he's starting to gnaw on everything. I have a couple of things but he refuses to chew on them.
    Any advice?
  • I'm interested too!
  • @dancegirl1118 sorry, I disappeared off of the face of the Earth for a while.
    I don't know if it really helped much. He's got four teeth coming through (top and bottom middle) but they aren't all the way there yet. LO hasn't been fussy much, though. He goes through phases where he's screamy, but he calms down with a mesh feeder and frozen milk.
    I've had the amber necklace off and on and it doesn't seem to make much of a change, but it is really cute. Really. Cute.

    He's always been a trooper, maybe he's not been a good test baby.
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