Hi All! Sorry if this is a repeat post, I searched but nothing came up for this!
Is anyone else having teething symptoms already? LO just got over colic and now is drooling, sucking, and screaming! All teething symptoms. I started at 2 months but am curious if this is more common than I am thinking.
Any tips!?
Re: 10wks & Teething!?!?
Mine started the crazy amounts of drool and hands (whole fists) in mouth at about 9 weeks. The drool is out of control. Today I was holding him with his head above my shod and it was running down my back and arm.
My LO started drooling and putting her fingers in her mouth constantly almost two weeks ago and sure enough, her first tooth is almost out. She is 12 weeks old.
Why does everything say four months? What fresh hell is this...
I've been thinking that LO is starting teething for a few weeks but he's starting to gnaw on everything. I have a couple of things but he refuses to chew on them.
Any advice?
I don't know if it really helped much. He's got four teeth coming through (top and bottom middle) but they aren't all the way there yet. LO hasn't been fussy much, though. He goes through phases where he's screamy, but he calms down with a mesh feeder and frozen milk.
I've had the amber necklace off and on and it doesn't seem to make much of a change, but it is really cute. Really. Cute.
He's always been a trooper, maybe he's not been a good test baby.