Late Term and Child Loss

Pgal - New to the boards

Hi all!  I lost my son on December 28th, 2014 at 42 weeks.  I was due for an induction on the 30th, but didn't have any movement, called the doctor and my son had passed approximately 24 hours prior.  I had a C-section due to other non-related health issues.

I am now pregnant again, only 5 weeks right now, but constantly worried.  I was having a lot of pain, but that has subsided into some pressure and general uncomfortableness. I have talked to my doctor and he said it ok as long as I have no other symptoms, like bleeding, but he is sending me for an ultrasound next week. 

I am currently in the busiest time of my life at work and constantly stressed and running around.  I am trying to stay as calm as possible, but not always easy.  Thankfully a couple of my co-workers know so I can talk to them and they watch over me.  More than anything, I am scared.

 Does anyone have any ways they kept anxiety in check?  I am open to anything at this point.


Re: Pgal - New to the boards

  • I am so very sorry for the loss of your son. I lost my son at 39 weeks. Pgal is so challenging. My advice would be to take it one moment at a time. Watch comedies or listen to stand up comedy - both helped me during mine. It's hard to be worried or upset when laughing. Do anything to take your mind off the stress - I used some of these - go for a walk, read, watch TV, do word find puzzles, talk on the phone, listen to music... Sometimes you just need some distractions so that you don't send yourself into a panic. Good luck and we are here for you! Sending hugs your way!
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