June 2015 Moms

Baby push up and head control

How much head control should a three month old baby have? Should they be able to do a baby push up during tummy time?

My LO has been working on this and seems to be greatly improving her head control but still seems to look down a lot by the end of the day (like her neck muscles got tired).

She also hates tummy time and basically just lies there unless we do it on the boppy. She will do a mini push to her forearms but only on the boppy and only if I set her up with her arms folded under her to start.

I read a baby milestone article and it made me feel like she might be a little behind but my gut says she is doing great. As a first time mom I don't know if my gut really knows though!!


Re: Baby push up and head control

  • Mine is very similar. He definitely gets tired at the end of the day, he has great head control in the am and still hates tummy time! Sounds like your baby is doing great. They are still young. Try not to worry or focus too much on milestone charts unless things seem very off, our kids are still developing at their own pace and if you are going in for regular appointments any issues should be caught in plenty of time to intervene.
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  • @uta10 Sounds right on track to me! If it helps, I have a decent amount of knowledge in this area. Just double check with your pediatrician at your next visit if it will make you feel better. But seriously, your description sounds just fine.
  • My baby has great neck control and will lift her neck to look up, but refuses to use her arms to push or keep herself up. My LO might just be lazy :)
  • Thank you everyone! As a first time mom this stuff is so stressful to me and so many of my friends had babies the same week that it's so hard not to compare. I know I need to stop this and just let her progress on her own pace!
  • We are just now leaving the pedi from LOs 2 month and she said as long as he's putting weight on his arms he's doing awesome. Don't fret :) she also said not to be concerned with him holding his head up really well until the fourth month.
  • Only benchmark we were told by the pedi is that if he still hates tummy time that by 4 months he should be able to roll off his tummy so we aren't there yet but I think we get better everyday. They grow and change so much each day and week at this age I say don't fret over it.
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