July 2015 Moms

Wednesday Randoms

How is everyone doing today? Baby girl is 6 weeks old today. The last 3 nights she's slept a 6-7 hour stretch so I'm feeling more rested. Yesterday went to the pediatrician for thrush she's been so much more peaceful since started the meds. Can't believe she's already 11 lb 15oz & 22.25in.

Re: Wednesday Randoms

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    I am counting the days until I go back to work. I feel sad and depressed....
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    Hanging out on the couch while my baby boy comfort nurses. Looks like another day I won't be leaving the couch. But hey I managed to eat breakfast today so that's a plus
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    hazel is definitely in the middle of a growth spurt / "wonder week" and i can't wait until it ends.  

    i'm going to attempt some yoga if i can set her down today; if not, i might try to use the elliptical while she's strapped to me in her sling.  the rocking motion will put her to sleep, right?  5 weeks PP and my body needs to move.

    my lochia became the color of swamp sludge yesterday and i wonder if i have an infection :(

    i have a huge to-do list:  thank you notes, baby announcements, hazel's birth certificate / insurance, etc. -- i hope to chip away at the list

    & meditate!  & enjoy each precious moment with my baby - whatever that moment entails!
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    I completely forgot about her birth certificate! Thank you for mentioning it. I need to get that taken care of.
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    @wheresilenceismusic ..."wonder week"... Interesting term(?) hope this isn't a stupid question, but what's "lochia"

    @randa923 oh no not again!!! I feel for you sister!!! I know yesterday & Monday night were awful for me with the cluster feeding!! I was worried it would continue (not sure how long growth spurt/cluster feeding typically lasts?) but last night was SO MUCH BETTER! Got some sleep & today is looking to be better as he slept from a little after 8:00 this morning (after I fed him of course) til almost 11:00 & we are feeding now. Had to revert back to the nipple shield cause the cluster feeding was rough on my nipples!!
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    a "wonder week" is a period of intense growth, where baby is unusually fussy / needy. after the week ends, baby has new skills.  e.g.., after wonder week 5, baby can smile, control her arms, watch things with purpose, etc.  (baby realize that she is a separate human from you.)

    lochia is vaginal discharge.

    (so much for yoga -- hazel has been cluster feeding all day.)

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    @wheresilenceismusic how long does cluster feeding typically last? I swear that's what I experienced Monday night & all day yesterday :(( Last night was better & today so far appears to be better
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    @wheresilenceismusic what r u doing with her birth certificate?
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    @ecloho he's a needy baby lately. I remember him being so easy when He came home from the hospital. Now it's needing to be held all of the time even on the rare occasion he's not eating. Unfortunately his growth spurts are worse than this so this is just the norm for now. Seeing the lactation consultant again Monday and considering just pumping after that. Breastfeeding stresses me out so so much more than it should.
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    My LO is 7 weeks today and is definitely going through a growth spurt. Was tossing around in his bassinet so I grabbed him and he fell asleep on my chest with in minutes. I've had to have him wrapped on me to get anything done.

    MIL comes today (thought she was coming tomorrow)
    So she's gonna have a hell of a time trying to pry him from me.
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    Trying to get a schedule down otherwise I won't get anything done! :P morning feeding, workout, do her therapy, feeding, homework, feeding, clean, feeding, get ready for the night...we shall see!
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    I am going to murder my husband. I nursed LO at 11:15am and he went down for a nap. Then my husband came by on his lunch break and a few minutes later our dog barks at the guys painting our house (cause why not drop a couple grand painting the house - which he just decided yesterday URGENTLY HAD TO BE PAINTED - while I'm on unpaid maternity leave). Of course the dog barking woke LO up, he starts crying then my husband grabs a bottle and goes upstairs. It's 12:30. It hasn't even been 2 hours since he last ate, the baby's crying cause he got woken up, not because he's hungry, dude. And those bottles are pumped BM so let's not waste it. All this after him telling me this morning that he doesn't know why I'm stressed out, all I do is "stay home all day" and I can just "sleep when the baby sleeps". Oh yeah, except he never sleeps and if he does by some miracle take a nap, he's woken up by our dumb dog barking at painters when the house doesn't need to be painted in the first place.

    End long rant.
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    @klirwin82 I am so sorry hun, I can definitely sympathize about a barking dog. Ours has a shock collar, he stills tries to bark sometimes, thankfully he hasn't woke baby yet.
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    DD is 4 weeks old today! We took a 30 minute walk today with DD in carrier and 2 kids in the sit and stand with lots of hills. I feel kind of guilty but I love not being pregnant anymore. I miss the kicks of course but I can move so much better now, I am almost giddy with energy. We moved when I was in first trimester and I've always trudged up the stairs - now I can run up them no problem! I had 3 pregnancies in 5 years so I just feel so much better without the huge belly. I love my kids, not sure why I feel so guilty for feeling this way!
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    @AziaNick sounds overwhelming!!!
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    edited August 2015
    @ecloho -- cluster feeding serves to build up your milk supply, so baby will do it until s/he has enough milk.  other natural ways to build supply include eating oatmeal and drinking guinness (or any other dark beer).  to build my supply, i pumped an extra bottle while she napped today.  (i didn't have enough milk for her yesterday and she became seriously angry with me, which made me feel like the worst mom.)

    @jmucc421 -- in NC, birth certificates are available 4-6 weeks after birth in the county where baby was born in the office of vital records (where marriage certificates are issued).  there's a fee for the first birth certificate and then a smaller fee for each additional copy.
    we're a military family, so i need to obtain the birth certificate sooner rather than later because i need it to register my baby through the army.  after she's officially an army baby, i can sign her onto our insurance plan.  (our insurance covers her for the first 30 days of life but not after then, unless i register her, which i believe is very common.)

    it was only 90 degrees today so we went out for a two mile walk -- hooray!!
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    @purplebookmark don't feel guilty, I'm totally with you on that one
    Love, love, love my kids- don't love being pregnant

    I also know a girl IRL who loves being pregnant, but isn't a devoted/attentive mom - so that makes me realise it's not a direct correlation
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    @sarahsairsair I as well know somone IRL that must love being pregnant but isn't a devoted mom. She has 6 kids and only has custody of 3 of them. It's crazy. I couldn't do it! 

    I didn't mind being pregnant the first time around. It was a easy pregnancy and delivery. I was much younger then as well. This time around...NO MAM! Pregnancy wasn't horrible but the delivery was HELL. Baby was just too big and it was the worst pain. I thought I was going to go crazy before they gave me something for the pain. I couldn't even cry through it. It was that bad. 

    Today, I went to my primary doctor, after my husband asking me for the last month "when are you going to start taking your meds again". I take meds for moodiness and for pain. I guess he was trying to tell me something! lol. I couldn't take it while pregnant. ehh

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    OK so this is oddly random! My estranged older male cousin (The black sheep of the family with the sketchy background,Who I have little to zero contact with) suddenly showed up on my doorstep ringing my doorbell and of course my dog starts barking super loudly… I had just finally gotten my LO down for a nap and had stepped away to put on a load of laundry in the basement. So I haul butt up the stairs to see what the hell the dog is barking about to find my strange cousin standing on my front porch. It took me a second to even realize who it was!! He was asking if he could come in to visit the baby and I just told him no that the baby was sleeping and probably waking up now and that it wasn't a good time. He seemed really offended and walked off. So I called my aunt to ask what he was doing down here on my side of town and she said he was coming over to visit me and give me $100 for the baby (I even asked where he got the money from… I guess he actually has a job now) Apparently she had also just talked to him after he left my door and said he was quite upset that I turned him away. I explained to her that we have still been keeping visitors to a minimum and that I really need and appreciate some notice before people come over. I also told her I think my mood just shifted really quickly with the dog barking and the possibility of waking the baby up… I wasn't feeling open to his visit or anyone else's for that matter.

    So ladies am I a total bitch? Maybe just an overly hormonal new mom?? Should I feel bad?
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    edited September 2015
    @ecloho I think you were perfectly reasonable. I never understand how people can expect you to disrupt your baby's routine just so they can sit around holding him. When they leave and baby is cranky and crying because his nap schedule has been disrupted and he's overtired, guess who gets to deal with it! I guess people without kids might not know any better but still.

    Heck, I'm the type of person who thought it was annoying for people to drop by unannounced BEFORE I got pregnant. So I definitely understand wanting some notice now that you have a new baby to plan for!
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    @ecloho stopping by unannounced AND ringing the doorbell when you know there's a baby in the house are huge no nos
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    @ashleytiff !! Yes especially when you are the sketchy, wayward, long lost, black sheep, bipolar, manic depressive cousin!!!! Not to mention even my mother, sister & MIL give me notice before they come!! Often I'm have naked and breast feeding or pumping too!
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