March 2016 Moms

Anyone breastfeeding while pregnant?

I am currently still breastfeeding my 13 month old who isn't quite ready to wean yet. However my nipples hurt so bad. Before I knew I was pregnant I thought it was due to teething but now I know it's due to hormones etc. just curious if anyone else is experiencing issues while breastfeeding and when to try encouraging weaning

Re: Anyone breastfeeding while pregnant?

  • I'm in the same boat as you right now! And yes, it hurts! I've gotten him down to 1 (2 tops) feedings a day. Usually it's just to get him down at night. Trying to wean is wearing me out! I wish I had some tips for you but sadly I'm still trying to get some of my own lol. I wish you lots of luck though and let me know (and I'll do the same) if you find anything that helps! :)
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
  • I'm still nursing my almost 14 month old son. Thankfully not experiencing pain and also not trying to wean. My OB said there was no need to wean if I didn't want to. He said my son will probably wean himself before I deliver my second son as the hormones will change the taste of my milk. I'm a SAHM and though my son eats like a champ he still loves to nurse too. We'll see what happens!
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  • Still nursing my almost 23 month old, but she is mostly down to nap time and bedtime. God yes, my nipples hurt though. Since I don't have a lot of milk, she doesn't nurse long, thankfully.
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
  • Yes, I'm still also bfing my 13 month old! When I found out I was pregnant, I started to slowly drop some feedings. He eats solids like a champ, but still loves the boob. He was nursing every 2-4 hours then, but now he's only nursing 3-4 times a day now, mostly before naps and at bedtime. He's getting some molars already so he asks for more sometimes because it soothes him. It was pretty easy to drop the other feedings, but I'm not sure how we will do dropping the others. If he gets really worked up, especially when tired, it's nice to be able to sooth him with the breast. My doctor said I don't have to wean if I don't want to, but did say that if I don't want to be breastfeeding two babies at the same time, I need to wean him before I deliver so there aren't jealousy issues. My plan is to keep slowly weaning and hopefully be done by mid or late pregnancy.

  • currently nusring my 4yo and 17m old; 11w.
    the 4yo is making me nuts with her lazy latch, and even though she isn't quite ready, i just feel so done. and i'm not sure if i want to attempt to tandem 3. 
    the 17m old still nurses through the night - he's currently teething and seems to be nursing even more than ever before. it's fine during the day, but OMG in bed my aversion is horrible (it was the same with my daughter while i was pregnant with him). i don't plan on weaning him before the baby is born (he will be turning 2 in March). 

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
  • I'm nursing my 16 month old, and while I'd like to say its only three nursing sessions a day (when he wakes, when we get home, and before bed) in reality there is a noon pumping session and the afternoon nursing turns into a marathon... It's like he just hangs around for comfort. I try to distract him with his water bottle or games, but I'm not always successful. And agreed, the nipples hurt! Pumping is the worst. I'd drop the pump if he didn't have a dairy allergy. He does best on goats milk but it helps make that last longer if I mix BM in too.
  • I also just want to say congratulations mamas!  Breastfeeding for this long is awesome and so good for your littles!  Great job!!

  • Still nursing my 17 mo. old DS. The sensitivity is getting better, thank goodness! Nursing through the first trimester is rough.

    DD weaned herself at 17 mo. while I was pregnant with DS. I was/am hoping DS will wean himself too, but I think it might not be quite as easy this time around . . . he's a complete mama's boy. ;) I cut out feedings one by one, until we're just nursing before naps and bedtime. She would also take bottles of milk (cow's milk, not breastmilk). Her bedtime feeding became shorter and shorter of her own choice. I tried to give her lots of extra snuggles when we were cutting back on feeding and one day she just refused to nurse and that was it! (I did hide the Boppy as soon as she quit so she wouldn't be reminded haha.)
    It's a boy! Born 42 weeks, 2 days.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I am currently nursing my 17mo DS and I haven't had any nipple sensitivity. Also, my supply still seams pretty strong. I have heard that many children wean due to lack of supply or change of taste of the milk. I guess we will see what happens. I'm not pushing him to wean. One of the doctors in my practice told me that I had to wean him by 20 weeks. I'm thinking that he is just old school bc I don't have a high risk pregnancy and I know that it is safe to nurse while pregnant. Did anyone else face a difficult doctor? What did you do? And, did anyone have a child wean and then want to nurse again when the new baby arrived?
  • Thankfully, no! My DS weaned himself in June (at 22 months) less than 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant. I am so glad to have a break before the next one arrives!
  • My guy is 16mo and has been slowly self weaning for a few months. We are down to morning and night, right breast only. I offer the left and he shakes his head. He only nurses for a few minutes.
    Hurts like hell sometimes, but I really thought I'd be tandem nursing! Doesn't look that way.
  • Yes! Currently nursing my 14-month-old. It hurts pretty bad when she latches, but I can't get her to wean. Hoping she self weans sometime soon!
  • I'm nursing my 2 year old. It hasn't hurt too much with this pregnancy. I miscarried in February and I had terrible nipple pain with that pregnancy. I had to try not to cry every time she nursed. So yes this time is going great. My supply also dropped right away last time and this time we are still going strong. I plan on tandem nursing when baby comes. My daughter has severe allergies and is not ready to wean. Still nurses 3 times a day more if she's had a allergic reaction or teething, etc. Milk pretty much fixes any toddler problem.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker

  • I'm glad there are other moms out there that are pregnant with a baby around the same age as my son. I was so nervous having a baby so soon and trying to figure out bf. I have heard that the taste changes and that babies will sometimes wean due to that so we shall see. Thank u guys for all the info and what u guys do
  • Still breastfeeding my 16 mo DD. Thankfully she is starting to sleep thru the night and I only let her nurse 3-4 times on my off days & 2 times on my work days.. It's mostly about getting mommy cuddle time with her now. We are slowly trying to wean, nothing too aggressive.
  • Wow oceanchild, I'm impressed that you are tandem nursing while pregnant!

    I nursed through my last pregnancy, and even when my milk dried up my daughter (around 3 at that time) just kept going. I ended up tandem nursing her and her sister for quite some time, but decided I was done when she turned 5. She tried to negotiate for one more year, but I was totally over it and felt like my nursing aversion with her was damaging our relationship. She's over 5 and a half now, and still really wishes she could nurse occasionally.

    My current nursling is 26months old and really trying to nurse through my dramatically reduced supply, but it kind of makes her cranky that she's not getting what she used to. She's been trying to cluster nurse at night, which usually does the trick in upping my milk production, but not this time. I'm really getting sick of the night-time waking and frequent nursing. I used to be able to night nurse without even waking up!

    I'm trying to wean her slowly because I just don't know if I'm up for another bout of tandem nursing when this new squish arrives.
  • I know what you mean, @kitteh81 … I've been putting my 4yo off more and more this past week bc of the aversion. She's asking less, and that doesn't bother me – I think she last nursed Saturday (although she's asked several times since and I've just sidetracked her). And suddenly i can tell my supply has majorly dipped. I don't want to be dry nursing again already! But my littlest has been super fussy at night while he's nursing. It's been rough lately!

    March 2016 siggy: babies - expectation vs reality

    Brian's Whovian wife (5/'09) 
    AP, BF, BW, CD, CLW, CS, ERF, Catholic mama 
    to Evan (7/'10), Clare (8/'11), Dean (3/'14), ^F(12/'15)^, Rose (3/'16)
    *no longer a Timelord ~ WibblyWobbly BabyWaby is here!*
    <3 but i still feel bigger on the inside <3
     Autism mama! 
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