My mother-in-law has a 20-year-old Graco Brougham LXI stroller she wants us to use for our soon-to-be-born daughter. She says it's really good quality and was very expensive in the days. I am a bit worried about it though, cause it is about 20 years old (used for almost 21-year-old brother-in-law).
I tried to google the model and it seems it was one of the best strollers in 1994. I called the manufacter (Graco), but they could not help me. The customer service employee said there just isn't any information available for a stroller that old and that she could not tell me if there are any safety issues with the model or if it was ever recalled. She did tell me that strollers do not expire, so it should be safe for use even when it's that old.
I am not sure if I'm just too over-protective, but I want to make sure she is safe. Does anyone have any information about this?
Re: Is a 20-year old stroller still safe?
Baby Boy due October 2017 and Children/Baby Gear/Strollers/GracoBroughamLXISingleStroller10pic.jpg.html?filters[term]=Graco Brougham LXI Single Stroller $10&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=0
It's going to have very old plastic moving parts (read: could be brittle and break). The fabric may be old and musty after being stored and there may not be a good way to wash it. But yeah, as PP said, if you want to use it, then check it out and make sure it still works and folds up, etc. Also, make sure that there aren't places that little fingers can get stuck. Just because it was an awesome stroller in 1994, doesn't mean it's an awesome stroller now.
On a personal note, I wouldn't use a stroller that is 20 years old, especially since the manufacturer can't even tell you anything about it, such as recalls, etc.
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12
Clomid 150mg 2 follicles, BFP 7/4/15, EDD 3/12/16, CP 7/7/15
Clomid 150mg, 2 follicles, IUI BFN
Natural Cycle, BFP 12/28/15, EDD 9/3/16