July 2015 Moms

To buy or not to buy

n3na94n3na94 member
edited August 2015 in July 2015 Moms
Hi everyone! So I'm debating if to buy a boppy pillow or not!? I've been breastfeeding for a little over a month and a half without it.! I've been using regular pillows but I must say it can be difficult at times. I just want to make sure it's worth the money and if it helps with breastfeeding! And if it is, which one do you guys recommend!? All I want is for my little one and I to enjoy breastfeeding comfortably! Thanks in advance for all your inputs!

Re: To buy or not to buy

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    Buy! They are really not that expensive! I have 2. You can buy a naked one & slip covers are like 10 bucks & washable
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    Yes! Worth it! It makes it so much easier on my arms and back. Though I had to practice nursing without it so I'd be able to when in public.
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    I really like mine. I use it more for him to sit in than for nursing though. You almost always find them at child consignment shops like Once Upon a Child.
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    Yes the boppys are not just for breast feeding, they can be used for propping, tummy time, & sitting
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    I love my mombo pillow. One side is firm for feeding and one side is soft for tummy time, propping, etc. I don't have to use any other pillows or hold LO at all while feeding. In fact, I'm feeding now and using 2 hands to type :)
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    I am borrowing one from a friend. I don't use it for breastfeeding at all because my girl preferred using two pillows instead, but I sometimes use it after feedings to prop her up for a bit. It seems to help prevent gas.
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    Never used one, and tried two days ago and my daughter loves it!!!! She feeds for so much longer and gets super cozy on it! BUY!
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    ashleytiffashleytiff member
    edited August 2015
    I have a boppy and I still need to put pillows underneath for him to be propped up enough to feed. I don't have the brestfriend pillow but I've only heard good things about it so I would look into that.
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    I have a boppy, it's nice and we use it a lot. However, I tried a breast friend pillow the other day and it was AWESOME!
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    Totally worth it. I have the naked one and an extra slipcover. I just switch out the cover on laundry day.
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    Buy! You can use it for tummy time for the baby and also to sit the baby up after he/she eats :) lots of things you can do with it. After I plan to use it for my legs ;)
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    I love mine. I'm actually struggling to nurse without it. I'm thinking about buying a second one if I find one at Ross or TJ Maxx for cheap I may get it to keep in my car.
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    Not sure how much of a difference it makes, but I'm pretty tall. The Boppy doesn't position LO high enough to nurse for me. I've used the brest friend pillow at lactation classes. The clip can get annoying if you're holding LO while trying to get positioned, but once it's on, it's great! The back support makes it more comfortable for momma, too!
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    I would recommend the buying the nippy. Like PP you can use for your LO other than just for breastfeeding. My LO loves to chill in his boppy pillow.
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    I love mine! My husband also uses it when he's holding our LO because it provides a little extra support for your arms. Just make sure you get it at the right height for nursing. :)
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    I got both, the boppy and my Brest friend. My Brest friend worked better as you choose the height. The boppy required an extra pillow for us to get the right height.

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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    The Brest friend is great! I also have a boppy. We use the boppy more for propping up the LO and not for bfing.
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    I have the boppy and brest friend pillow and prefer the brest friend. Bobby is great for sitting and tummy time though.
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    I have both the Boppy and Breast friend pillow and the best friend is definitely much more comfy! My husband and sister love to use it when feeding LO as well :)
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    Definitely buy! I bought mine at a garage sale so really cheap, then you can wash it and I bought a new slip cover so it really makes no difference that it was used.
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    I'm using the My Brest Friend and it's great. I really like the firmness of the pillow and the back support.
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    Thank you ladies! Bought my brest friend pillow and baby and I LOVE it! >:D<
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