July 2015 Moms

Neonatal meningitis?

Just wondering if anyone else had a newborn (under 3 months) develop meningitis. Particularly enterovirus meningitis. My son is 6 weeks and was just hospitalized for it. Doctor made it sound like we would be in the hospital for a while- he actually said he couldn't tell us how long we'd be there. It depends on how well they can get symptoms under control. Biggest one is fever wich spike this morning at 104° and now is at 102°. If your baby had this and was hospitalized, how long did you stay total?

Re: Neonatal meningitis?

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    I have no experience in this space, but wanted to say I hope your son gets well soon.
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    ashleytiffashleytiff member
    edited August 2015
    My mom just got out of the hospital after 3 weeks. She had bacterial meningitis.
    My best friends mom had viral meningitis last year and was in the hospital for almost 3 months.

    It really depends on how quickly they can get the symptoms under control and how well he responds to it.
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    My baby was born with ecoli and they suspected meningitis although the spinal tap did not show the bacteria. He was treated for meningitis anyways to be on the safe side. It was 21 days of iv antibiotics. They put in a Picc line for the antibiotics. It's an iv that goes deep into the vein, preventing having to reinsert an iv each day. The picc line lasted the entire treatment. It was the longest, hardest time of my life. The good news is with early detection and treatment long term effects are reduced. Stay off google, it is NOT your friend. I'm so very sorry you are dealing with this, I will keep you and baby in my prayers.
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    Yikes! Looks like we're in for the long haul... Doctor said it was viral so the only thing we can do is manage symptoms and try to keep him comfortable. Fever seems to be going down a little, hovering around 100°...Hopefully we'll know more tomorrow!
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    Prayers for you and your LO, I hope he is well very soon.
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    @abir12 oof. Viral meningitis, although it lasts longer is the better of the two, it's less serious..But if they feel the same I feel so bad for your little guy.
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    I'm so sorry you are going thru this. My prayers are with you and your family.
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    @abir12 how is your little one?
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    Alsp hoping things are going well for you send your babe
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