Please keep my Big Man, Silt in your thoughts this weekend - he is really not doing well this morning. I noticed last night he hadn't eaten yesterday and he didn't eat this morning either and is pretty lethargic and weak. I took him to the vet and he is battling a pretty bad infection (they suspect a urinary tract infection) and his kidneys are in bad shape. We were able to take him back home because I am able to do his medical treatments, but he's old and he feels really bad, and it breaks my heart to see him so. Hopefully with resolution of the infection his kidneys will improve some, but they will still be deficient going forward.
After losing Fun in September I'm just not ready to let my other lucky black cat go yet.
Re: Fur Baby Friday
After losing Fun in September I'm just not ready to let my other lucky black cat go yet.
@jjvanwagner25 that is one of the cutest pictures I've seen!