Suggestions/advice would be welcomed or difference in opinion as well. Since the birth of our baby, 10wks now, we've had maybe 2 non consecutive weekends where grandparents on either side or SIL isn't at our house or us at theirs. I used to see my mother 4-5x/yr(lives 2hrs away) and my in-laws (30mins away) every other month. My mom insists now on Facetiming 1x/wk and will make another phone call during the week. SIL/MIL comes 1 day during the week and then another day during the weekend the in-laws will want to do something collectively. Last Saturday my mom was over and now this weekend in-laws want us to come over for dinner (which we are never able to leave when we want to). My maternity leave ends in 1week and I just see this as a continuation once works starts that every weekend is going to be occupied and we won't feel rested or have the just immediate family/3 of us time that we don't really get during the week. This is our baby and I know family wants to love on her. But between trying to get her on a schedule, cook, clean, same us time(rare), juggle friends..... It's too much to have all the above.
Re: Grandparents/Family Involvement
But I know that's not what you probably want to hear, and I also get wanting to have some time to yourself. Does your husband feel the same way? I think I'd speak with him and plan a weekend for just the 3 of you. You can have activities planned or just plan to hang out at home, but regardless, have both of you commit to spending x amount of time with just the three of you as a family. When your relatives ask to see you at that time, say, "Sorry, we have plans!" and leave it at that. If you feel guilty doing that, you can always suggest another night to hang out with the family. But you are entitled to some alone time with baby, for sure!
This is your opportunity to set that boundary. Take it! If you don't do it now... It will be harder to do in the future.
It might also help to plan a regular weekly time to see each other so you can build it into your routine. If you are getting together every weekend might as well make it a reliable thing. This way they are also not always asking you to make plans, since it's already set. We do Sunday night dinners with my in laws, and while it's a lot the relationship my kids have with these grandparents is really priceless.
Also, if the idea is for them to spend time with LO, do you and DH *have* to be there? Can you turn one of the nights into date night? Where they take LO for a couple of hours so you and DH can get dinner and a movie? Working something like that into a schedule would be both nice for them and benefits you two as well