I had an appointment today for ultrasound due to very irregular cycles. Ended up having a saline ultrasound when the doctor noticed uterine lining was about 20mm. They found a polyp and are scheduling me for d and c. Said after that would like to start on chlomid to attempt ovulation.
I've read good and bad about chlomid, but I've had irregular cycles for so long I'm not sure what my next step should be(periods normally last about 21 days or longer). My husband and I want to start a family and the "it will happen when it happens" approach has not worked for a long time. Should chlomid be my next step? Should we see what the d and c brings? Any advice would be helpful! Thank you!
Re: Next steps
I had no success with Clomid so my suggestion is to not use it BUT I know it has worked for some people. I think it wouldn't hurt to try it for a couple of cycles and see if you respond well to it. It caused the lining of my uterus to thin out way too much and then it wouldn't produce mature follicles. I have endometriosis so they say if you have that then Clomid is not usually successful for endo patients. I don't know how true that is but in my case it was accurate.
I hope the D and C works for you and that you get a BFP soon!