June 2015 Moms

Amazing white noise app

thought I'd share... The "sound sleeper" app has proved to be an instant lifesaver for my fussy LO fighting sleep. A little rocking and the "womb" selection puts him out in 30 seconds or less! Might not work for everyone but thought I'd share. It's a free app too.
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Re: Amazing white noise app

  • I use the "Shhhh" on it as a cheat during LO's witching hours. He likes the Fan, too. Great app!
  • I was going to post this.. Agreed! And pay to have it so it doesn't have a 30 min cut off (the free version cuts off at 30 min)I love it... For me! LO has a Dohm white noise machine in his room, we love it. When DH Has LO I turn on sound sleeper with my headphones because I jump at every noise.. And unfortunately phantom noises... This really helps!!
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  • edited August 2015
    How loud do you all play the ap? I have it as well and put the phone right under the bassinet but I can never tell if I have it too loud or too quiet...
  • Best app ever.
  • I just downloaded this during my 3am feed and put it to use once we were done. I used the womb setting and put him down awake but sleepy. Went to wash his bottle, munched a snack bar, came back upstairs, he's pretty much out. Still making some noises in his sleep and fidgeting a bit, but he's passed into dreamland.

    Thanks for the recommend! Already I like it better than the app I had downloaded previously. That app wouldn't let you navigate away from it without stopping the sound, so it wouldn't play while I, say, commented on threads waiting for myself to fall asleep. What the hell...?
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  • @mellymar ah, yes, its ability to "multitask" is one of the app's best functions!

    @HayesRN13 I should stop being a Cheapo and buy the full version... But I kind of like the 30 minute timer because I don't want LO to need a sound machine all night long (that's what our fan and AC are, though, I guess). Hadn't thought of using it myself!
  • Speaking of amazing apps... "Baby view" is awesome and LO loves it, you guys need to check it out! My LO loves the lady bug and butterfly, they move around and make noise and the contrast black & white is great for development, he is in absolute awe when I play it for him
  • I used the rain sound in the bathroom while I was showering and LO fell asleep almost immediately. I was able to shower and get ready with no interruptions... It was magical.
  • The real hair dryer does the trick, so this app is AWESOME so far!!! Thank you thank you!
  • Love this app... The rain one is our fav so far. Some dancing and this app had the little birds eyes heavy within a minute and he was fast asleep shortly after. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • Yep tried it out last night and rain was the favourite here too! Thanks for posting!!

  • Love it!!! Thanks
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