June 2015 Moms

Naps at Daycare - Momma Anxiety

As a first time mom who is sending her babe to daycare next week I'm getting anxious! Currently my little one will only nap if a blanket is over his eyes (I'm always holding him during this and take the blanket off once he's asleep).  He also likes to hold onto something with his hands while he sleeps.  I'm worried that he'll never be able to fall asleep at daycare since they can't have anything in their crib with them and I'm sure they won't have time to cater to my boy all day like I do.  Those of you who have little ones in day care - do you know how they handle naps?  I'm worried he's going to cry all day and not get any sleep.  He'll be almost 3 months old - will he just have to figure it out? Help!

Re: Naps at Daycare - Momma Anxiety

  • No advice on this but perhaps call
    The daycare and ask? If anything they may be able to break him of this habit. Sounds a bit dangerous with the blanket thing...
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  • Thanks! I think I just needed reassurance that they won't let him cry all day and will work with him! Good luck to you as well!
  • I'm anxious too. Our provider said she does morning and afternoon naps with the kids. I keep thinking, good luck with that afternoon one lady! But people say daycares somehow have a magic touch. Probably because they have so much experience.

    Conversely, I'm worried she won't get to play enough - our pediatrician says to keep her off her back as much as possible and so I am concerned they will just let her sleep. It's one provider and six kids (which to me sounds like so much! But this IS her job, I keep telling myself...)

    I think I just made myself MORE anxious. Crap.
  • They will train him how to fall asleep and self soothe would not worry
  • @swaugh14 - I hear you! I'm sure they are wonderful and will figure it out quicker than we can imagine with all their experience. You are right - it will all work out!
  • @hoodoll82 - I'm worried about that too. I believe my center's ratio of babies to adults is 3 or 4 to 1, but I still worry that he won't get talked to/snuggled enough. I'm sure it will all be fine but as a first time mom it's hard! My grandma watched me so I'm totally unfamiliar with what a day at a daycare center looks. I need to just call them and I'm sure I'll feel better! Hope all goes well for you and your little one!
  • Yeah for in home daycares in MA it's 6:1, with no more than two infants under 15 months. On MWF she has 3 infants so she has an assistant, which I'm secretly glad for, in that the ratio will be better!
  • Ladies - don't hesitate to ask questions either! I get a daily report with oz ate, diapers (wet, BM...), & naps, but I ask how the nap went, how she did with her bottles/spit up, all kinds of things. Keeps me aware & connected to her teachers!
  • Oh and teachers love talking to the parents and telling them how their day went. I ALWAYS just tell parents without them asking. We also have an app that we can communicate with them throughout the day. We  track their feedings, how much they ate, change of diapers, naps and we can message them if we have questions. We can even send them pictures. 
  • @bartonolivia - thanks for the information. It is so nice to have the reassurance from someone who works in a nursery! Thanks for helping to ease my mind - I appreciate it!  :)
  • My daughter has napped the past few days better at daycare because she's so exhausted with the kids.  She seems to be having fun while I stress out about her being away from me.
  • We also have an app that we can communicate with them throughout the day. We  track their feedings, how much they ate, change of diapers, naps and we can message them if we have questions. We can even send them pictures. 

    What app is this? I am a former toddler and preschool teacher, and now will be staying home with my kiddos. I'm taking in two infants part time for supplemented income, and love the sound of that app!

    @kenz453 your baby will be well taken care of! Ratios are mandated for that exact reason- if your child is needing a bit of extra love, there is someone their to help! If we had kiddos that fought their naps, we wouldn't hesitate to go out for a stroller ride, or snuggle the baby in the ergo. Infant teachers use so many different strategies, they'll figure out just the right thing to soothe him!

  • amandrew0531amandrew0531 member
    edited August 2015
    I have theses same thoughts and concerns. She hardly sleeps in her crib during the day and always wants me to hold her. I worry how well she transition to sleeping in a. crib at daycare? Some mornings I just hold her and cry thinking about "who will know you love your play mat after your morning bottle? Or how you have to sit up while you eat" but it is nice to hear from some of you who work with the babies at daycare. I'm sure that y'all are used to working on the transition for babies to be in daycare. One lady told me it's harder for the mommy than it is for e baby. I just keep telling myself that. Plus, I was in daycare my first year of life and I don't remember a thing lol. But it's hard to be away from our babies. :(
  • @magliomomma it's called daily connect! I absolutely love using it. The daycare workers use it on the laptop at work And the parents get the notifications through the app! And @kenz453 you're welcome. People who work in a daycare truly love the children and they have to because sometimes it's a hard job. Only the ones who truly love it stay.
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