May 2015 Moms

Bronchiolitis - Doctor prescribed Prednisolne and Azithromycin

My son was diagnosed with bronchiolitis, his symptoms where a cough, a little runny nose and congestion. He just started daycare about 4 weeks ago, so he either caught the symptoms from there or me (because I had the sniffles, but I thought mine were due to allergies). Anyways the doctor prescribed Prednisolne and Azithromycin. The first is an anti-inflammatory he is supposed to table 1ML twice for 5 days and the second is antibiotic for 5 days as well. I was just concerned about him taking the Azithromycin because I read online where it said not to give to babies under 6 months. He will be 3 months on Thursday and he weighs 13lb 12 oz.

Re: Bronchiolitis - Doctor prescribed Prednisolne and Azithromycin

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    I would either talk to my peditricitan or the pharmicist. Both should be able to answer any questions you have about the safety. Our pharmicist is amazing (I work in a pharmacy) and will look up any info on the drug through an education website (ie not google) and will double check with the doctor if needed.
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