I am stuck with yet another decision. Should we transfer 1 embryo or 2?
I am 36yo on my 1st round of IVF, my fertility issue is in my tube (1 removed). I have 10 great looking embryos and I am having a 5dt. My RE strongly suggest 1 ET for the less riskier route but we have been through so many (about 6-8) etopics that dh n I have been considering 2 to increase chances. We wouldn't mind twins if that happened. Im just worried about the pregnancy and risks. Any advise? Anyone with twinsies having pregnancy problems?
Re: To transfer 1 embryo or 2??
Fast forward to this spring, we transferred 2 embryos with lower ratings, were not warned against it as we were with the first transfer. Both embryos took and we couldn't have been happier. We had already discussed that with my age and health, multiples wouldn't be too big of an issue. We also went through our finances as well before deciding on 2 being transferred and knew we could afford 2 babies at once as well as me being a SAHM over daycare costs.
I completely understand your thoughts that two is better than one or none at this point after all of your long struggles and losses. No one can tell you what you and your husband should do. I know it's a difficult decision. For us, I knew we'd regret not transferring 2 if we did a transfer and the 1 embryo didn't take. But with our higher rated ones, only one took and the lower rated ones both took. You just never know what will happen.
Good luck on your journey!
@MrsBwIVF that is awesome. Congratulations!! I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason and works itself out.
@girloffaith Congratulations!! hope your journey goes as smooth as can be.
I guess I didn't mention that I have a 10yo son and twin nephews that I spent a lot of time with when they were babies so I am comfortable with having the 2 Babies at one time. My dh is very supportive, helpful and is very good with babies. We also come from large families so we will probably have help pouring out at us.
My main concern is the pregnancy. And the risks associated with it. I don't run marathons everyday but I am pretty healthy, have no health conditions and normally rarely take any medication.
Not to mention that I would like to dote on one and give him/her all the attention!! Good luck in your decision!
Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.
DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!
Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!
@peregrinefalconx I am a worry wort also and always analylizing everything. I will just pray that everything happens the way it should, And everything goes great with your et also.
@Binnie505 my fingers are crossed for you also. Doctors always want you to take the safest route. I might just be a rebel.
This cycle is a FET and we transfered 2 embys and I'm so excited! We get our results Friday! FETs can have better success rates than fresh sometimes. I read somewhere that they say that having 2 babies transfered also helps with implantation. They said having another baby in there helps them or at least 1 implant. I think 2 just gives you a better shot.
Started TTC April 2011
Me: 32, DH: 32
Diagnosis: Endometriosis
- - -
I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
Follow along at http://liv4today.blog
Instagram @liv4todayvlog
@FatPony Congratulations. 33wks wow ur almost there!! I'm glad everything went ok with ur friends twins. I know it is very common to have twins early but 30 weeks, wow. Thank god our medical technology has so many advancements now a days. Best luck to the both of you.
@JaysensMom I am also afraid I would regret it if I do one n it doesn't take.
My fingers are crossed for ur BFP!!
@oxinfree My re is pretty confident that my 1 will stay but of course there are those chances that it won't.
I have waited so long for a baby and to be financial stable to afford IVF (I'm out of pocket pay) that I just want to increase all my chances. I have 10 great looking embryos so if it doesn't take I have a little collection to try again.
TTC #1
IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties.
IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN
AMH-0.73- DOR 2/2012
IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN
Appointment with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012
AMH tested again 1/2013- 1.4!!!!
IUI #3- 1/14/13 started 200ius of Follistim, 1/20/13 added menopur and ganirelix, IUI 1/25/13. Positive HPT 2/6/13- Beta #1- 193- BFP!!! 2/8/13-Beta#2-426.6
2/26 ultrasound #1- TWINS!
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy on 10/17/13 10ls. 2 ounces
IUI #4 cancelled due to only one egg responding
PAIF or SAIF Welcome
Took a break and ttc naturally
7.) IUI Cycle 7 February 2016-100mg clomid days 3-7, U/S day 12 showed 2 follicles (22mm and 24mm), Ovidrel trigger shot day 12 at 9:00pm, IUI cycle day 14 at 10:00am. BFN
Meeting scheduled for 2/29/2016 to discuss iui with injectables vs. IVF
8.) IUI Cycle 8 March 2016-Injectables (Gonal F), U/S showed 2 mature follicles, Ovidrel Trigger BFN
April-May I lost my mind.
IVF#1 July 2016-Transferred 2 fair blasts. 9dp5dt BFP 129 BETA, 13dp5dt 944 BETA, 20dp5dpt 8776 BETA, 8/19/2016-1 beautiful heartbeat of 100 BPM at 6 weeks 1 day! Growing baby grow!! 8/25/2016-another ultrasound at 7 weeks and baby has a heart beat of 129 BPM and is 10mm/1cm! Grow baby grow some more!! Graduated from RE at 10 weeks and had ObGyn appointment at 13 weeks. It's a girl (found out via panorama test) EDD 4/13/2017
TTC #1
IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties.
IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN
AMH-0.73- DOR 2/2012
IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN
Appointment with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012
AMH tested again 1/2013- 1.4!!!!
IUI #3- 1/14/13 started 200ius of Follistim, 1/20/13 added menopur and ganirelix, IUI 1/25/13. Positive HPT 2/6/13- Beta #1- 193- BFP!!! 2/8/13-Beta#2-426.6
2/26 ultrasound #1- TWINS!
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy on 10/17/13 10ls. 2 ounces
IUI #4 cancelled due to only one egg responding
PAIF or SAIF Welcome
Of my five IVF-twin friends, most had minor complications due to IVF and/or twins, twice there were fetal fatalities and 1 child has long-term health issues. I accepted a decreased chance of pg for one transfer (same for two transfers) in order to optimize the chance of healthy children by transferring one (PGS-normal) at a time. I saved up money accordingly (for two FETs to start). It was the right choice for me. Good luck with your choice!
Unexplained IF/RPL
TTC#1 2003 BFNs, 2004-2009

5 angels above
2010 IVF-PGS-FET#1, DD b. Aug-2011
TTC#2 2012 BFNs, 2013 FET#2, DS b. Nov-2013
TTC#3 2015 BFNs, FET#3
(my 6th and last angel above)
Journey Complete.
Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.
DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!
Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!
You have better chances of at least 1 that way.
It's a hard decision and I understand that you're thinking it through (I think it's def smart!) but I feel like you want to go for 2 and just want some moral support... You can do this!
Either decision is a good decision! Go with your heart!
Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation
Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
-3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN
-IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
-FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
-IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
-FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
**Changed doctor**
-IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
-IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage
-Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal.
-IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy
***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
-Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
-IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP
***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4
There was a news feed on that and majority said frozen worked better for them.
I'm doing a fresh cycle this month-- need some hope!
Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation
Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
-3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN
-IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
-FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
-IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
-FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
**Changed doctor**
-IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
-IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage
-Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal.
-IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy
***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
-Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
-IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP
***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4
So it's the same as a fresh.
So confusing /:)
Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation
Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
-3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN
-IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
-FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
-IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
-FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
**Changed doctor**
-IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
-IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage
-Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal.
-IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy
***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
-Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
-IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP
***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4
My dream! [-O<
I'm following your lead! Lol
Unexplained Infertility- Postive for MTHFR Gene Mutation
Natural cycles with 1 miscarriage
-3 IUI's w/ Clomid= BFN
-IVF #1-Follistim and Menopur= BFN
***11 Eggs, 10 mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 1 (day 5) 2 made it to freeze
-FET #1- Transferred 2, day 5 embryos =BFN
-IVF #2- Follistim and Menopur = BFN
***11 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, transferred 2 (day 3), 4 made it to freeze (Follistim and Menopur) = BFN
-FET #2- Transferred 2, day 3 embryos = BFN
**Changed doctor**
-IUI #4- natural cycle = BFN
-IUI #5- Follistim (5 eggs) BFP- lead to Miscarriage
-Laproscopic Surgery for Endometriosis, Polyp removal and Cyst removal.
-IVF #3- Menopur, Follistim, Lupron, Ganirellex- BFP lead to Eptopic Pregnancy
***11 Eggs retrieved, 10 Mature, 8 fertilized, transferred 3 embryos (day 3), 0 made it to freeze
-Lapropscopic surgery- Removal of Fallopian Tube
-IVF #4- Estrogen Priming with Vivelle dot, Menopur, Follistim, Ganirellex- BFP
***15 Eggs retreived, 11 mature, 11 fertilized, 2 embryos transferred (day 3), 2 made it to freeze
Found out I was positive for MTHFR Gene Mutation during TWW of IVF #4
Whatever you decide (or decided if this is old!) be prepared for the small chance that an embryo could split or both could split! The odds are pretty small that it could happen.
Good luck to you all. It's a hard choice and going back I don't know what I would do over again. If we try for a second some day we have already said one at a time though!
For us it was a pretty simple decision. We looked at each other and I said "Do you want twins?" He said no and asked if I wanted twins. I said no. We'll be on the single cellfie train until one finally leaves the station!