May 2015 Moms


I know it's early... But it's so exciting to think about! What do you plan on getting your LOs? Stocking stuffers? Presents ?

Re: Christmas!

  • I haven't even thought about it yet, but now you've got me all excited!!! I have however thought of gift ideas from LO to family. I like the idea of a footprint on an ornament. Handprint would be better but they're so hard to get a nice one.

    And my sister and I have already said we are making a calendar for my mom with pictures of my 2 nephews and DS.
  • Call me boring but I know my family will buy him tons of stuff so I'll probably take the Christmas money we save throughout the year and put it in his savings. Yay for compounding interest!
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  • I think this year we are going to do activities for DD - sign her up for swim lessons, classes at My Gym, etc. since she won't know the difference anyway. I've had my eye on those adorable teepees they sell but I think that would be better suited for the following year.
  • Not sure what we will get him. We still have about $120 in gift cards for babies r us so that's what we will use. One tradition that my mom did with me that I will continue for my son is on Christmas Eve you open one gift and it's always a set of pjs to wear that night and a book.
  • He is getting a play room! So he will be getting a ton of fun and boring things for it..
  • Gosh no idea! Since this is our second daughter there really isn't a whole lot that she needs!

    We also have the tradition of "the Pajama elves" on Christmas Eve so we will continue that.

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  • I am so very excited about Christmas. I am spending Christmas with my sister and her family since its just me and my girls. Won't go over to her place till later in the evening bc they do in laws Christmas Christmas Eve. So when they get back we will go over there and stay the night. She has 4 kids so my 2 will just add to the excitement I think. As for "presents" since they're still so young we aren't doing to many of them. I have found some cute things for them, but it won't be a big present year this time.
  • Unless my dh and I get way better jobs dd won't be getting much for Christmas. I joke that my present to her is all 7 sets of u/s pics we had done during my 3rd trimester to make sure she was going to be healthy. One set we had was more expensive than my delivery.
    At this age she won't remember what we got her or really care. I have a feeling also that she will get a lot from my parents because she is the only grandchild.
  • Matching family PJs
    maybe a Vitamix so I can easily make babyfood
    And practical stuff like spoons, bowls, sippy cup, toothbrush, teethers, etc
  • For my son's first Christmas we just got him one toy, since he wouldn't remember anyway.  Plus, he got so much from the grandparents that we really didn't need to spend any money. 

    We'll be doing the same thing for DD this year.  I found a really cute hand-knit rattle on Etsy that I'm getting her.
  • We will probably get practical things like clothes and stuff and a few fun gifts( we still have like $200 in gift cards for toys r us to spend) . She will definitely get spoiled by my parents since she is the first grandchild. I'm more excited for the next Christmas ... My whole family is going to Disney !!
  • We probably won't do much for him for Christmas since he won't really know what is going on yet. :)  But we'll continue our family's traditions of PJs on Christmas Eve, "Santa" gift (the only gift marked from Santa, which will be the big one each year and is unwrapped) and stocking on Christmas morning, and a new ornament for DS each year to start his own collection to hand over to him when he's an adult. 
  • Girl #3 means as little as possible so the older ones don't ask why Santa didn't get her anything. They get so much from family that Santa has actually been pretty lucky the past few years.

    Our DD1s 1st Christmas she got like two toys and an outfit from us. We still try to keep it small for the older girls. A "big" gift then 3-5 little things and stocking stuffers of stickers, tape, Chapstick, favorite snacks, socks, etc.
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