Moms have super-powers, and breastfeeding is one of them! Some of these special skills are even passed along to baby. Did you know breastfed babies can identify their moms from milk scent alone?
Check out more surprising facts about breastfeeding here. What other amazing breastfeeding facts can you share?
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Re: 11 things you didn’t know about breastfeeding
1. My milk regulated at 4 months.
2. My breasts woke me up more than baby. Natural built-in feeding schedule.
3. Nursing necklace is a skin/hair/body saver esp now that baby gets easily distracted and grabby.
4. Milk let down on both breasts at the same time.
5. Still have to remove milk within 2-3 hrs during the day but at night it can go longer for up to 6 hrs so far.
6. Sometimes an endless stream of milk shoots out 1.5ft when you successfully unplug a clogged duct. Feels ah-mazing relief.
7. Surprisingly, my smaller right breast produce more milk than the left.
8. Breastfeeding is hard work. More than baby but maybe my baby is just a good baby.
9. Milk let down stings. It can even stop you in your in tracks while you wait for it to pass. Usually a few seconds.
10. No need for fancy apps or clips to tell you which breast to feed off of next. You can just feel it. It's either hard or feels full (of milk) and heavy.
11. You don't get your period. I've not had a menstrual cycle since I found out I was pregnant.