May 2015 Moms

Stored Milk Issues

Back to work today and my LO is refusing to drink milk that was stored in the freezer for a month. Anyone else have issues with their LO refusing older milk? She took the bottle of fresh squeezed milk no problem this morning...

Re: Stored Milk Issues

  • Haven't experienced it myself yet but I also haven't tried DS on freezer milk. My sister had the same problem with her son though. Fortunately she was a SAHM so she just didn't pump and always breastfed him.

    Sorry I have no advice :( Hope LO takes it for you soon!!
  • Maybe try mixing some fresh with some frozen until she gets more used to the frozen. I would imagine the frozen doesn't taste quite as good to them and probably takes some getting used to.
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  • Some people have lipase in their breast milk that can alter the taste
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  • You may have excess lipase in your milk. I have this issue (or I presume that I do), because my milk sours after 6 days frozen. You may have to taste it and see if it has gone bad, and figure out how long your milk is good frozen. Sorry. It is really frustrating.
  • Hugely helpful article! Thank you! Will be smelling my thawed milk today to see if lipase may be the cause.
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