Hi ladies, I'm expecting my second DD in 2 months. With DD1, I breastfed for 5 months. I also supplemented formula as she was failure to thrive in the beginning (low milk production). It worked for us. I was happy to be able to give her whatever breast milk I could produce and was making sure she was full with formula.
Many of you will probably disagree with my thinking this second time around. I plan to breast feed but am worried that my toddler (she'll be only 22 months) will just not allow me the time I need to sit for 30min or however long the baby needs! I already feel sorry for DD2 but let's face it, toddlers have no patience and mine constantly needs mommy. Bottle feeding will be essential so others can help me as well. Yes, I could pump, but again, when am I going to find the time to sit and do so? I realize there are solutions out there, I just need to work hard at it. But I'm not going to kill myself to breastfeed this time and I hope I'll be okay with this when the baby comes. I'm worried about giving both babies the attention they need
Anyone go through a similar situation? I feel guilty but keep reminding myself that there's nothing wrong with formula.
Re: I'm going to be selfish
Honestly, I read books while nursing and played games etc. etc. you find a way to make it work. If anything you have to just let your toddler know that you will be there as soon as baby is done. Whether that is bottle or breast. Your toddler is going to have some rough growing pains about patience.
I started that delayed attention to wants (vs. needs) during second trimester. Just making them wait 30 extra seconds, then a minute. You can explain that when baby comes you might need your toddler to be a big girl and practice patience for mommy. They'll have to do that while you do diaper changes, put baby to sleep-- you name it.
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