So jealous. I stayed in a hotel with my kids last week and the room was set to 66 degrees. Heavenly, I tell ya. The kids were freezing (minor details, right?). I get home and the house is at 71. My boyfriend is still whining about the house being cold...
@amargaret24 my feelings on the snoogle are equally hot and cold! Last night I was incredibly sore so I busted it out and lay in it for a couple hours. It helped but then I start to feel overwhelmed by the snoogles. In order to be on my left side, the bolster/back of the snoogle is between me and the bathroom and getting out of it to pee is just too much for me! I always get annoyed and throw it out of bed before actual bedtime because the thought of getting out of it 3x a night is too much. Also, I find the pillow portion uncomfortable and it always gives me a headache when I sleep on it. Life is rough!
@sgafbag hahahaha ditto x 23819208420914. The pillow portion is just a little too "firm" for me so I was all over the place last night. Woke up with a headache too! Ps, I was just in Venice this weekend visiting a few friends who live there. My fiance and I are trying to move out to either Malibu or Topanga here in the next month or so. I live on the East Side and it's just tooooo far from the beach for me! I grew up in Topanga and need salt water!
I travel back and forth from South Bay to Oceanside for work. I have my parents I stay with for the week usually so I won't have to commute everyday. I am off this week so I am in OC with my husband
It's night time here in London been out today seeing a friend and walked for hours, it was warm and there was sea air so I'm thinking a good recipe for a good nights sleep...? Please God. Maybe I'm dehydrated and won't pee at all?!? ;-) night all...
It's night time here in London been out today seeing a friend and walked for hours, it was warm and there was sea air so I'm thinking a good recipe for a good nights sleep...? Please God. Maybe I'm dehydrated and won't pee at all?!? ;-) night all...
Usually I wake up having to go to the bathroom. It's so annoying
Chicago! I have my daughters cold, and can't breathe out of my nose. I feel like I just cat nap through the night most of the time. I haven't slept well in a while.
Another Chicago momma here!! Well, a little south of. Hopefully you get some good sleep soon!!!
Of COURSE after posting about sleeping soundly recently, I have been woken up by sudden onset nausea. Up to this point I had only puked a few times and spent the majority of the first tri extremely nauseous. Now at 18 weeks, bam! Grow baby grow!
20+1day here from Amarillo (Texas). I am a stomach sleeper which has been a no go for about 8 weeks....once I get up the 2nd time to go to the bathroom I'm wide awake with a sore back and neck...I also sleep with a triangle of pillows that seem to due the trick until I wake up and move....I just want to sleep!!!!
Bedtime again. Last night awake from 3-5am until my sniffles of my new cold woke my husband and I able to vent then went back to sleep. Also getting pins and needles in my left hip which can't be a good thing., I'm hoping it's just over walking by the beach yesterday or I could be in for horrid hip battle :-( Night all!
Sleepless in Maine! Between the cold I have, the heat (it might only be in the 60s tonight, but it feels like 100 to me) I keep my AC on 60, you guys with the 64 make me giggle! Restless legs, humongous sore boobs and 4+ nightly pees, my poor husband has been in the guest room all week! Smh... Didn't think sleep would elude me at 17 weeks...
Sleepless in New's currently 2:51 am. Fell asleep around 11:30, woke up twice to pee, then I was wide wide awake for like an hour before I just decided to get up. It's not aches and pains keeping me awake tonight, just can't sleep.
So last night rather than sleeping in the bed from the get go, I got pretty sleepy on the couch in our family room where it's slightly cooler and quiter, I then went to bed and passed right out. This was only when my fiance came and got me and said "Come on, come to bed" haha. I was like nahhhhh I'm GOOD here. But I am happy I ended up in bed. I didn't sleep ALL through the night obviously to pee and adjust but it was slightly better. We are moving in a month and a half to another part of LA and until then we have a roommate (per my own pre-pregnant decision, he is a good friend and we wanted to save money)....that's just becoming a pain in my royal uterus. He comes home late, his girlfriend has a dog, it's all bad. I can't rant too much about it, but I think that in itself has been giving me anxiety.
Anyone using any kind of homeopathic or essential oil help? Any hippie trippy suggestions? I'll try it.
Re: Sleepless in _____?
In order to be on my left side, the bolster/back of the snoogle is between me and the bathroom and getting out of it to pee is just too much for me! I always get annoyed and throw it out of bed before actual bedtime because the thought of getting out of it 3x a night is too much. Also, I find the pillow portion uncomfortable and it always gives me a headache when I sleep on it. Life is rough!
Another Chicago momma here!! Well, a little south of. Hopefully you get some good sleep soon!!!
Of COURSE after posting about sleeping soundly recently, I have been woken up by sudden onset nausea. Up to this point I had only puked a few times and spent the majority of the first tri extremely nauseous. Now at 18 weeks, bam! Grow baby grow!
Night all!
Between the cold I have, the heat (it might only be in the 60s tonight, but it feels like 100 to me) I keep my AC on 60, you guys with the 64 make me giggle! Restless legs, humongous sore boobs and 4+ nightly pees, my poor husband has been in the guest room all week! Smh... Didn't think sleep would elude me at 17 weeks...