my 4 month old decided that she wants to sit up while nursing this past week. Anyone have any tips on making this work? I don't mind doing it- just want to be comfortable since she likes it
@kerris713 Fold your knees up a bit and lean the baby against them to nurse. Her legs should go alongside your thighs on the couch or wherever you're sitting. Basically, you face each other sitting. I hope that makes sense...
I also say football hold. Stick a pillow to your side to prop baby up high enough and a pillow behind your back to give room for you LOs legs to stick out if needed then turn towards baby a little bit and latch on. I nursed my older daughter that way till over 18 months. My 2 week old also nurses pretty much like that also cause I need to keep her head elevated due to spitting up. I obviously support her a lot more but she is essentially sitting in a football hold already.
Re: Infant sitting up while nursing tips