May 2015 Moms

Next baby?

i know it's way too soon but when are you planning on having your next baby? Assuming you want 1.

I'm an ftm, my original plan was to try when dd is 2 years old, but seeing how many adjustments i have to make to my life for her i was thinking of trying after waiting the recommended 9 months to have all my kids quickly and have em grow up together so i'll sort of have some freedom sooner!

My sister's yougest is 6 and she almost has her life back, not totally but as much life as a mother can have

I want 3 kids :)

Re: Next baby?

  • gtelliergtellier member
    edited August 2015
    My husband and I have already started talking about it haha! We want two kids and we want them fairly close. My sister and I are 15 months apart, and had a wonderful sisterhood because we were close in age. I want that for my kids. Plus, our LO has been such a love, that it makes me want to have another one right away! I'm planning to start trying in December! I'm just making sure to continue to eat healthy, workout, still take prenatal vitamins, so that my body can be as healthy as possible.
  • I want 2-3 kids as well, but am planning to wait until DS is 2-3 years old. DH and I are in no rush for baby #2 after our experience with DS being a premie. March of Dimes, our doula and midwife all recommend waiting 18 months postpartum to get pregnant again as it drastically reduces the risk of premature birth and other complications. Figure we'll just enjoy being a family of 3 and when that doesn't feel whole anymore talk about trying for kiddo #2!
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  • My DH and I are probably going to wait to start trying until LO Is 18 months old!
  • We want ours to be two years apart so they can grow up close :)

    Married: 09/17/2011
    BFP#2: 08/25/2014 | EDD: 05/03/2015 | Born: 05/11/2015
    BFP#1: 04/13/2014  |  EDD: 12/17/2014  |  *Angel Baby*
    Momma to my FurBaby *Mac*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Good Lord... I'm terrified to have another! I definitely want to enjoy LO as long as possible before worrying about another pregnancy. Not to mention we don't currently have enough room in our house, and financially we couldn't swing another yet. I do want them to grow up together... especially because I keep thinking of things we can do with LO when she's a couple of years old, and then remembering I'll probably have another baby by then, which once again limits what we can do. I guess as soon as we can financially swing it, we'll go for it.
  • DH works full time , I'm off until May but then will be back to work and we are both in school, I'm getting my masters and will be working on my thesis starting next September so we are just too busy to be thinking about the next but we definitely want 2 more. Once I'm close to finished school we will probably start trying, dd will probably be 3-3 1/2 before we have the next , but then I will probably have the next 2 closer together.
  • My husband and I want a second kid, hopefully a girl, but I want to have all my kids before I'm 30 and I'll be 25 this year so I'm not sure if we'll get the chance. I know, 5 years sounds like plenty of time for another kid, but he works crazy hours, we're both in school, and well, we never know what is gonna happen or where we'll be. He's military so there is always the chance of months away for schools or deployments. Makes timing another kid difficult. Plus, I want my son to at least be working on being potty trained before we have another, I really don't want 2 kids in diapers.
  • Growing up I never thought I wanted any kids, and after a semi traumatic pregnancy and a very traumatic birth I think one is enough.. and I want to give her time to be my baby. But I toss the idea around of maybe adopting in like 5 years. Who knows though!
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • After a c-section, my docs said that the births need to be 18 months apart, so they said we can start trying when DS is nine months old.  I'm 32, and DH is 36, and it took us six months to get knocked up the first time, so I don't want to waste too much time.  Also, we're planning on me taking a year or two off of work after the second one arrives, and I would rather have that time allocated for before DS starts school, so I can enjoy that time with both of them. 
  • We always said we wanted 2 kids and that we'd start trying when LO is 2. The hope that he'd be potty trained by the time #2 arrived. But now DH was so traumatized by the birth that he's dead set against another. I'm hoping he changes his mind in the next year or so.

    Our timing on DS worked out that he was born just when we paid off a loan. We have one more loan scheduled to be paid off by March 2018 so that's when I'm aiming for ;) I figure then we would have the finances for a second child. Plus it spaces them out about 3 years which is what we wanted. We got pregnant our first time trying with DS. So I guess we will start trying June 2017 haha!!!
  • Already want another! :P STM now and for sure waiting until the newest member is 2yrs old, but will probably wait longer depending on finances.
  • I want a 2nd but waiting to see how many health issues l/o will have, there is a possibility of heart surgery before she turns a year. We aren't in a big rush now, the silver lining of being in your late 20s and having a child with a chromosome issue is that my risk for the next one is 1 in 100 until I turn 40.
    Ideally though I wanted them spread out 3 years apart. But we will see.
  • I only wanted one child. But now that I have our little nugget, I'm ready for another one. My husband and I are going to wait until she is 2 before we start trying. Or maybe sooner. Never thought I would say that.
  • We always said we wanted 2 kids and that we'd start trying when LO is 2. The hope that he'd be potty trained by the time #2 arrived. But now DH was so traumatized by the birth that he's dead set against another. I'm hoping he changes his mind in the next year or so.

    Our timing on DS worked out that he was born just when we paid off a loan. We have one more loan scheduled to be paid off by March 2018 so that's when I'm aiming for ;) I figure then we would have the finances for a second child. Plus it spaces them out about 3 years which is what we wanted. We got pregnant our first time trying with DS. So I guess we will start trying June 2017 haha!!!

    DH and I got pregnant on our first try, too! I'm always hesitant to blurt it out because I never want to offend anyone who may have difficulty getting pregnant. It was actually on our wedding night (I really wanted to have baby#1 before I turned 30... made it by 2 months)... so naturally everyone assumes I got pregnant before the wedding. Of course, DH and I know that was impossible since our pastor required us to be abstinent for three months prior to our wedding (and we actually honored it!). So it's frustrating to hear people say "suure you were abstinent". Anyways, I digress.

    I make the assumption that it will be just as quick the next time, but who knows. Definitely plan on timing it for another summer baby, though!
  • One and done.  I wouldn't be able to afford two in daycare, so that'd put me at 45 or 46 for a second baby - too old to risk complications, imo.
  • I have six girls ages 6 -3-2-1-and twins 14 weeks they are all very Close and always want to help they love each other more than anything
  • My brother and i are eight years apart in age and my parents basically had a built in babysitter. Lol. I don't want my kids that far apart in age but number two is not even on my radar at the moment. I figure when the time is right we will know. Usually if i try to plan anything life happens and my plans .change
  • I think having a late Spring early Summer baby has been wonderful. I'm honestly afraid I would experience PPD if I had a baby in the winter months when you're not able to leave the house so freely. DD and I decided we want to try again next July/August so baby #2 would be born around DD's second bday. I would love to have 3 kids and I like the idea of spacing them out by two to three years. That way by the time baby #3 comes along DD will be old enough to help. Friends of ours have a 4 yo, 2 yo and a newborn and the 4 yo is such a big help to her mom with the baby. I think that's so special and she and her little sister will have an extra special bond as they get older.
  • I think having a late Spring early Summer baby has been wonderful. I'm honestly afraid I would experience PPD if I had a baby in the winter months when you're not able to leave the house so freely. DD and I decided we want to try again next July/August so baby #2 would be born around DD's second bday. I would love to have 3 kids and I like the idea of spacing them out by two to three years. That way by the time baby #3 comes along DD will be old enough to help. Friends of ours have a 4 yo, 2 yo and a newborn and the 4 yo is such a big help to her mom with the baby. I think that's so special and she and her little sister will have an extra special bond as they get older.

    I've also had genuine concerns about PPD and winter babies. The bit of it that I had for a couple of weeks after my delivery was absolutely awful, and being able to get out and do things is absolutely what saved me. I'm legitimately terrified of not being able to get out the next time around.
  • DMEL said:

    You're all really lucky you didn't have infertility issues with these babies like we did. My advice... Try not to schedule it so much and put all your eggs into one basket of when the next baby should come. I'm so grateful to just have been able to have the one (3 years after I "planned" for him).

    Yup mine are 6 IUIs, 3 IVFs and 7 years and one week apart. ;-)
  • I certainly meant no disrespect... I absolutely understand how blessed we were to not have any difficulty. I also know that things can't always be planned. I think it's just human nature to hope for certain outcomes, regardless of your situation. If it happens another way, then it happens another way.
  • We will probably start trying when LO is 1 :)
  • DH and I have different ideas about when we should start trying for our second...he'd like to wait 4-5 years as it stands, while I'd love to start trying when DD is 2. It'll be interesting to see how we each think over time
  • DMELDMEL member
    No disrespect or offense taken! Just a caution to those who are planning so specifically within time frames. :)
  • If I could be a SAHM, we'd prob only wait a year or so. H has a brother 2 years apart and they're best friends and he wants that for our son. My brother and I are 7 years apart and we're basically strangers so I agree. However we just can't afford daycare for two little ones. It would be double our mortgage! I want to wait until LO is almost ready for kindergarten to start trying again.

  • When we got married we talked about wanting 2 or 3. Now I think we'll be lucky if we have 2. It took nearly 3 years of trying to have our little miracle (I had all but given up hope). We would really like to have another one so DD will have someone to grow up with. She does have a half sister, but there are 13 years between them. We'll probably start having the discussion about trying in a year or so, so they can be at least a couple years apart in age. That would give us time to buy a house and have room for another baby too. I just hope physically we can do it, given the trouble we had this time and the fact that we're not getting any younger. I'm 32 and he's 45 now.
  • This little guy was #3 and now we're done. DH is getting a vasectomy in a few weeks. Our kiddos are 2-2 1/2 yrs apart.
  • I wanted to wait at least 2-3 years before trying for another. But, ugh, I just want to be pregnant again so bad. I won't allow myself to try though for a bit because I want to enjoy DS. But I miss how pretty I felt pregnant and all the excitement of getting to see LO
  • I want another... our lo has MSPI and it has been rough.  Now that I know that though and would be able to prepare for that with another child (ped said most likely future children would have mspi) I think I could do it again.  For now though I will just enjoy my sweet baby boy!  He will be 3 months on Thursday!
  • I had placenta previa with my first. Born in late April by c-section. Does anyone know off hand if the chances are high that it will happen again? Or recommended spacing between pregnancies? Thanks! I'll be asking the OB for sure before TTC!
  • Took us 5 years to conceive our May 2015 baby boy so we are not taking any precautions. If it happens we will be happy no matter when it is. This month or years from now. We would love to have 1-3 more but we feel blessed to have the one we have. Fingers crossed for another baby!
  • When/if this one starts sleeping through the night, I may entertain the thought of another one. 

    Otherwise, he'll just have to make very good friends at school!!!
  • MrsS728MrsS728 member
    edited September 2015
    We have already talked about #2. It took us over 2 years to conceive #1, so we've decided to start trying when #1 is a year old. Ideally we would like our kids 2-3 years apart. We started going to an RE and got pregnant with #1 a week after we had our consult. We are mindful of our ages (32 and 36), so timing will be important. 
  • When/if this one starts sleeping through the night, I may entertain the thought of another one. 

    Otherwise, he'll just have to make very good friends at school!!!
    Right there with you! I love him to pieces but good Lord, I need some more sleep before I can think about #2!
  • My 2 boys are 21 months a part and while pregnant I said we would wait for #3 and have a larger gap.  Now that #2 is 3 months old I'm not sure I want them much more then 2 years a part.  Yes my 2 yr old is still quite dependent on my but I love how much he loves on his little bro and can't wait to see them playing together.  My husband is on board for #3 but I think he wants to wait a couple years.  My ideal world we would start trying again when #2 turns 1 1/2 but we will see.  We had to do IVF for #1, started trying again when he was 3 months old for #2 but after 2 unsuccessful IUI tries we took some time off and ended up getting prego on our own when #1 was 13 months!  Needless to say we were shocked but soooo happy.  We are praying we can do it on our own again this time as well.
  • Right now if you ask me today I'm one and done. This is hard. I'm exhausted. I can't imagine doing this again while already having one running around. I've always wanted 4 because thats what my parents had and my siblings are my best friends. But right now, today, no way I'm even thinking of adding another.
  • mamajama3mamajama3 member
    edited September 2015
    I want to try for another baby in Nov/Dec but am concerned about doing so after a c section. I've heard so many different time ranges of how long to wait after a c section. I want to try a VBAC but am worried given what I've learned about having a uterine rupture and having to have an on the spot hysterectomy if this happens. I want 3-4 children and just had my first one. Ah! So many things to consider and fresh out about
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