Hi mamas. I was just wondering if anyone has this or has heard of it. Since I delivered LO (5/26/15) I've had persistent low-grade fever with occasional (once or twice a day) spikes up to 102F. In the first few weeks after delivery I was super engorged from over supply and had double mastitis, so the fevers early on made sense. However, now almost 3 month postpartum no one can find a cause of the fevers (my boobs are under control, so it's not related to engorgement). I had labs done to check hormone levels and there's no indication of thyroiditis. I also had a CBC and my white blood cell count is normal so an infection is unlikely. Anyone have any ideas? Dr. Google says that some cancers can cause persistent low-grade fevers but I don't want to rush to an oncologist quite yet! My doctors (OB and primary care) just said they don't know - wait and see - but I'm tired of feeling like crap. Ideas? Suggestions on other types of doctors to try?
Edit: I think I should add that I'm not so convinced that is related to pregnancy/delivery. Maybe that exacerbated some underlying condition, but fevers themselves are just a symptom of something else. I just haven't heard of any condition (aside from thyroid) that can cause persistent low-grade fevers. Aside from that I'm relatively healthy. 5'5" and back to 125-130 lbs. I'm a nut about eating healthy (except date night, the entire menu is fair game), and I'm active. I'm just tired of feeling so run-down all the time and when the low-grade fever turns into a real fever I get nauseous/vomit. That's hard to deal with working part-time and taking care of my handsome little man.
Re: Fever since delivery?
I just want to wish you well and hope that it's nothing serious
Thanks for the well wishes