June 2015 Moms

Travelling with baby

just thought I'd post this as a reassurance for other people. We've just completed a mammoth 3 week overseas trip with LO when she was 6 weeks old and we got home the other day.

8 flights in total.

A few things that helped us what;
- some airlines let you keep LO in carrier. Heaps better than airline bassinet.
- take honey &I a dummy if your Lo Doesn't like dummies. Our doctor told us to dip the dummy in honey if she's not hungry on take off or landing. Totally worked for us and also as a plug for her mouth in the bath as the water was contaminated where we went (Asia)
- Milton tablet steriliser. We could keep her bottles immersed in the sterilising solution until we needed them stopped bugs getting on the bottles
- mosquito stickees (100 for $3 from eBay) kept chemicals off her skin & didn't get bitten at all.
- ultrasonic mozzie repeller in her pram too
- pram fan was awesome

Also take 3x as much formula as needed. We bf & top up. 1 tin of formula was stolen, 1 tin spilt and we ran out a week early. Had to use local formula which was vanilla ice cream flavour... Unimpressed.

Hope these help. It was very easy travelling with her so young

Re: Travelling with baby

  • What's a dummy?
  • Glad you had a good trip! Thanks for sharing and the tips, that is encouraging and helpful. Will have to look for the mosquito stickies, as we go camping a lot.
    Vanilla ice cream formula - that's pretty funny!

    Sounds like a dummy is a pacifier, but in the States its a big deal not to give honey to infants.
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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  • Your doctor told you to give honey to an infant?!
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
  • I will say that not giving honey in the states is the only thing I've seen all moms agree on
  • Yes, honey can give your child botulism...don't do it!
  • mishmardhionomishmardhiono member
    edited August 2015
    Serious? Yes he did.. Maybe the small risk of botulism far outweighed the large risk Of encephalitis, typhoid, dysentery etc who knows. It worked for us but will now not be used again.. I never knew that I was only concerned about her teeth rotting and he reassured because it was so small and for a short time it wouldn't have any effect
  • I feel like in the U.S. the equivalent would be dipping in sugar water - which my mom mentioned was a tactic when I was a kid.
  • Hi we have a trip involving several trains which I'm a little anxious about, so although these tips aren't relevant for this journey it's reassuring to hear you managed 8 flights! Well done!
  • Serious? Yes he did.. Maybe the small risk of botulism far outweighed the large risk Of encephalitis, typhoid, dysentery etc who knows.

    Yikes. No other words for this statement. A 6 week old shouldn't be placed at risk for these IMO unless you live in those areas without any other option.

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