
First IUI cycle cancelled

Ugh- feeling so depressed right now. Went in for an ultrasound today expecting to take my trigger shot tonight and have an IUI Friday and Saturday.

My RE said I produced too many large eggs- 9 of them and it's too high risk to do the IUI. They gave me my trigger shot-I
Should get my period in 10 or so days then they will start the process all over again with the meds at a lower dose.

I know I'm blessed to have been responsive to the meds and have eggs but I didn't even think that this could happen. I was shocked It just sucks ....I cried. You get so hopeful and excited and hormonal with I have to wait- blah...... Thanks for letting me vent!

Re: First IUI cycle cancelled

  • How about doing timed intercourse instead? They wanted to cancel mine too because of risk of triplets and I said no. So we went forward. Will find out tomorrow if it even worked but so far I've gotten three bfns.
  • I'm with @Drove2u! Do it! Do it! Do it!! Time that intercourse and then never have to do IUI....that would be such an exciting success story. 

    I'm sorry @Drove2u about your bfns. I am still holding out hope. 
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  • Thanks!! I am too!! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!!
  • That stinks but i'm with the other ladies..If you took the trigger shot already then baby dance over the next few days..That is def what I would do.  I would be upset they wouldn't do the IUI but don't give up completely on this month!  Good luck 
  • Should I be worried about multiples?
    The doc told me he let one woman do it and she had quads. It freaked me out!!!!
  • Why else did they cancel. Yeah when they told me I'm at high risk of multiples because I also responded really well to clomid and ovidrel I freaked out already. But then I asked the doc "well there's a chance it may not work at all right?" And he said correct. Since I've been testing bfn for a while I doubt I even have twins. Not even sure if I'm pregnant at this point so no matter what happens I'm really happy I didn't cancel.
  • @Krisd6 : yes, that would be why they cancelled as the risk would be higher. My nurse wouldn't tell me firm numbers, but said that above 4 or 5 good size follies (>20), they would cancel. You almost could have turned it into an IVF (although price is substantially different!). What meds were you on?
  • Krisd6Krisd6 member
    edited August 2015
    My RE told me it would be a good IVF cycle

    I was on femara 5mg for 5 days, Follitism 100IU for 6 days. Went in tuesday for an US and I only had 2-3 follicles of a decent size. Can't believe how much it changed in two days. He told me it could be dangerous for me and that he wanted to cancel this cycle...
    What's interesting is he said because I am 40- it's recommended they stop. If I was 42 he would have gone ahead with the IUI due to the fragility of the follicles ...
  • Hmmm. I'd do TI with preseed (femara dries out your cervical fluid, thus necessitating the IUI). Keep in mind, docs get hammered on risks, so they are very cautious on the multiples. It's really up to you about what you feel comfortable with. Did he say specifically how many patients with 9 large follies convinced higher order multiples? What the stats were on the increased risk? Or just the shock and awe story of that one lady that one time? Idk. I'd research, speak with my hubby, and prob decide to try, but that's such a personal decision. Def get a second opinion tho, yours!
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