March 2015 Moms


So i have been EBFing my daughter since shes been born. I had no problem with making milk. Then about 3 months again my dr put me on the LO LOESTRIN FE pill. She said that it wouldnt affect my milk at all.
So ever since i have taking it my periods have been messed up so bad. Bleeding literally every two weeks (sorry if tmi.). But that hasnt really been the problem.
For the past week i have notice that my daughter only eats on the first brast for about 5 mins then she starts to get fussy. So i switch her to the other one and after about 5 mins its the same thing over again. So i let 2 hours pass and i decided to pump to see how much im able to get. Because i no that my baby can get more then the pump.
I only got a total of 2 ounces. So again i wait another 2 hours to pump and still i only get 2 ounces. I was so upset. So i have now been going to my freezer stach to that i dont have to give her formula. I have been doing everything right so i dont know why my milk is basically drying up. So i decide to wait and pump this morning when your milk is at the highest. When i did i again only got out 1 3/4 ounces.
So i look up my birth control. And to my surprise it says it says that my milk will decrese and for the pill not to be taken when breastfeeding because alittle bit of hormones will be passed through the milk. After reading that i was even more upset. Why would my dr give me a bc that says i cant use while bfing.
So i was wanting to know that if any of you ladys have have any sort of experance with wat im going through?! Have any of you taken that bc before?! I dont want to stop bfing so im concerning stopping the bcTo see if it helps build my milk back up. I am now taking as of yesterday the fenugreek and pumping every 2 hours. Sorry if this is so long i just dont have anyone around me to talk to about it because noone in my family or friends have breastfeed before.


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    With my first I took a low dose BC pill and noticed a drop in my supply, so I quit taking it & we decided to just use condoms...just make sure you use them if that's the route you're going with.  #2 was born two weeks before #1's second birthday.  This time around I got the low dose BC pill again, filled the prescription, but haven't started taking it because I don't want to ruin my supply again. They say its not supposed to effect milk supply, but sometimes it does.  I'm pretty stingy with my freezer supply too because its not that big, but by pumping at work I'm able to produce enough for the next day at daycare, and then a little extra just in case.

    Another thing with the low dose pills, I was told you had to 100% EBF/pump.  If you supplement with formula there's a chance that you could get pregnant while taking the pill. I also am HORRIBLE at taking them the exact same time everyday.
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    I'm on the progestin only pill. I believe that lo loestrin is not progestin only, but I haven't looked it up to be sure. As PP said, the minipill (progestin only) requires exclusive BFing and taking it at the same time every day. But you could try switching to it if you wanted to remain on a pill. Or, as PP also suggested, switch to a barrier form of BC. The milk supply should go back up once off the pill as long as you BF and pump regularly, and maybe continue your supplements.
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    Thanks ladys
    Yeah i never take it at the exact same time. I always take it around the same time but never on the dot. Thats one thing i dnt want is to get pregnant again. the thing shes never been bottle feed till now that i have to go to my frozen milk. :( and i really dont want to stop bfing. And i dmt want to not be on bc. But i already have 4 kids and i probably wouldnt be able to handle 5. 8-}
    @AGM0616 has the pill u take messed with your milk?!. My dr told me that if i didnt like the one im on then she can change it.
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    I have been on the progesterone only pill (mini pill) and have not seen a drop in supply. It does make me feel nauseous some of the time though.
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    @dreyes4 No. I've been fine! I actually just started cutting back from nursing and switching to formula and frozen milk for one feeding a day. And yesterday I missed an additional feeding, so pumped to replace it. I pumped 9 oz! So, no, my milk supply is just fine. I'm on Nora-BE. Statistics are pretty poor if you start weaning and the likelihood of pregnancy is pretty high if taken off schedule. But you could potentially use a pill plus barrier for extra protection (a friend of mine just found out she's pregnant after using condoms. Her daughter is ten months old, so it was not planned!)
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    dreyes4dreyes4 member
    edited August 2015
    See thats one thing im scared of is getting pregnant again. My other 3 kids wore formula feed. And how xiemena was alot littler then the others when she was born i decided i wanted to bf her. No that im bfing i dnt want to go to formula. Lol. At least until i meet my 6 month goal.
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    I'm on the mini pill and exclusively nursing. BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT TAKING IT AT THE SAME TIME DAILY! With my first child, I was exclusively breastfeeding and missed one dose by TWO HOURS and got pregnant when my daughter was only 9 months old. We were amazed, the OBGYN wasn't joking about taking it on the dot everyday. Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I have heard multiple stories of women who have gotten pregnant on the mini pill.

    OP, hope you complained to your Dr! That would've pissed me off!!!
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    Now thats krazy..only by 2 hours. :-SS i usually take min at 9 but ive never went passed 10 before taking it. Looks like i need to start to set an alarm clock. sounds like it would be alot better to just use condoms and dnt take bc.
    @KD32412 i sure i was beyond mad. Thats y she said that she would change it if i want...but im like really thinking if i should just stop taking the bc and stick with condoms because it sounds like the risk are alot less. Im just so confused.. :-/ :-/ :-/
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    @dreyes4 I really dislike condoms, that's why I would rather be on the mini pill. Once I actually start ovulating again, I plan on tracking my days and being VERY careful. If I got pregnant again on the mini pill, I'm sure my husband would then decide to finally get a vasectomy. Hahaha! However, I wouldn't mind another child :)
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    I got the implanon bc. I wanted to do the mini pill but I know with how crazy everything is in our house I would forget to take it on time. I was EBfeeding and pumping with added formula for calories for my little guy and was doing fine until I got the implant. Now my milk is gone and the doctor told me It wouldn't effect my milk supply at all. I was pretty mad about it but at the time I had over 200 hospital supplied 2 oz bottles in my deep freezer from LO being in the hospital for 4 months after birth. Now I'm out and regret ever getting the implant. :-(
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    My husband and i really dont like condoms eather. I guess that y we have 4 kids at only 23 and My periods have been so messed up i dont even know when i bleed witch is my actual period and witch is just break through bleeding to even watch for when im ovulating. My dr told him he should get a vasectomy If we didnt want anymore kids. She said i already so the hard work by having the ones we of course he said no on that one.
    @thumper90. See thats the same thing my dr told me. She said that the only way it would effect my milk is if i was to have started taking it before my milk was actually on track. And shes the one thats big on breastfeeding. Im thinking about just finishing the week that i have and stop taking it till i can actually tell if its the pills messing with my milk. And im just gonna pray to lord that when me and my husband actually do something the condoms(weather we like them or not :/)
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