Hi there! I'm new to this board. I mostly post on the Infertility boards, but I have a pregnancy related question. Anyone here on anxiety/depression meds while pregnant? What does your doctor say about it? I recently weaned off Effexor and I'm have a hard time. Hopefully our current FET worked and I'm pregnant. Unfortunately I'm have a lot of general anxiety and I fear I may need to be on something. But I'm concerned about the risks. Just wondered if any other mamas out there can tell me about their experiences. Thanks.
Re: New here - Any moms on Anxiety Meds while Preg?
Just before my current pregnancy (I'm 21 weeks) I tried to stop Celexa and it was not good at all. I had fairly severe physical side effects (electric shock feeling) and otherwise mentally felt a way I have not felt for many years. It was not good. So we switched to Zoloft & kept the Welbutrin. My Doc w/ LO 1 & 2 thought I should not take Welbutrin, so I didn't. This time around my psychiatrist had no problem with me staying on both. I took both from week 1 to week 18 .... My OB gave his opinion that less is better and if I could tolerate cutting Welbutrin I should. I stopped for a couple weeks and was feeling like crap so I introduced it again for the last week. I see my OB next week to discuss.
From what I understand being unstable mentally or physically can have its own side effects on your child and it's better to control what you can with meds considered safest while pregnant.
If you feel you really need something I am fairly sure your Psychiatrist and or OB will find you a suitable option while pregnant!
I hope this helped a little!!
Good luck to you.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
Thanks again for your input and support. I appreciate it. Good luck to you all in your pregnancies.
DS: Born 5-17-16