
Pumping amounts while working

how much do you normally pump if/once you return to work? I am not pumping a lot and have started to squeeze in an extra pump - now every 2 hours instead of 3. My LO is 4 months, I am trying to EBF for 6 months but I am not sure I will make it!

Would love to know how long you pump for and how much you pump when away from your LO! Thanks!

Re: Pumping amounts while working

  • My son drinks 3 3oz bottles while I am gone. He is 5 months. I started work this Monday and so far have pumped about 18 ounces a day..... So I have been adding to my freezer stash. I pump 5 times a day, including first thing in the morning. Hope this helps!
  • My lo (7 mis.) drinks 2 or 3 3 oz bottles while I'm away. I usually pump 8 oz a day (2 sessions) and it works out fine.
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  • I worked 12 hour shifts and pumped 12-15 oz in a shift. My son would take 3 or 4 3-4 oz bottles. I started out point every 3 hours but found I got the same amt pumping every 4 hours. I would double pump for 15 minutes and then do hand expression for about 5 minutes at the end to get the last drops out.
  • My son eats 25-30 oz a day. I pump 3 times at work for a total of 60 minutes (20 each pump). I get 30-35 ounces a day, and 15 minimum during work.
  • My daughter ate 9 oz while away from me for 9 hours.  I would pump almost exactly 9 oz as well at work.  3 pumps/day every 3 hours.  I tried to stretch it out to every 4 hours but my supply started to drop.
  • I pump 2 times while at work (8 hour shift). I get about 5-6oz from each breast. I pump every 3 hours or so. I also pump in the morning before LO wakes up and nurse her before going to work. (So I go to work with empty breast). I pump about the same amount from each breast each morning.
  • DS takes 4 4 oz bottles at daycare. I pump 3 times at work for 20 minutes. I pump after he goes to bed or before he gets up as well. I nurse him before we leave for the day too. 
    It sounds silly, but I get more when I think about DS or look at his picture. When I just do work while pumping, I get about an ounce to 1.5 ounces less. 
  • My 5 month old takes 15oz on average during the ten hours he's at daycare.  I pump three times during my 8 hour workday, usually getting 5 oz each session.  So I'm not building my store but I'm not eating away at it either.  
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