August 2015 Moms

Audrey is here!

Our little nugget has arrived. 8-9-15.
I went in for my scheduled induction on Friday the 7th (39 weeks) After laboring all day Saturday and all morning Sunday ...on pain doctor recommended an epi to relax my body since I had been stuck at 8 cm for hours. I was reluctant but it was our last ditch effort to get this child out (we were getting close to the 24 hour mark of my water breaking) So I got the epi. It worked for a while but still no change. I did rest up a little. While resting I noticed some pain of contractions coming they uped the epi...didn't work. I then ended up flipping side to side with a peanut shaped yoga ball on my bed to help reposition her. I continued to feel the intense contractions...and finally I felt the urge to push. I literally screamed "get the nurse, she's coming" and my husband ran for her. Sure enough she was practically crowning at that point. Only 3 pushes later and our beautiful 7 lb. 8oz. baby girl was born. We're so in love it's insane. :)

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