June 2015 Moms

Waiting for that smile

My LO will be 7 weeks on Friday. Still no social smiles...only when sleeping. Hoping it will be soon? I feel like it will help the sleep deprivation not seem as bad to get a cute little toothless grin! Anyone else not have a smiling baby at this stage yet?

Re: Waiting for that smile

  • My LO is 8.5 weeks and her social smiles only picked up the last week or so, before that she only gave a few sparingly. Some babies don't start doling or the smiles until later.
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  • My LO is seven weeks and only smiles on occasion. I can't wait until I get them all the time. For now I'll settle for the sleepy smiles.
  • My LO is seven weeks and only smiles for me or DH. He goes totally stoic for everyone else, which is funny but not helping me prove that he really is happy and not fussy all of the time (except when he's on boob).
  • About 8 weeks for consistent smiles for us!
  • From 10-11 weeks we saw a huge increase in social smiles and interaction. Sounds like a little later than most here but I wouldn't worry if your LO is still stingy with the smiles
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  • How about eye contact? LO is just over 6 weeks and isn't really making eye contact yet. I feel like he should be but maybe that's normal? He doesn't seem anywhere near smiling yet...if he's awake he is typically crying at this point.
  • @AlwaysSunny1012 don't sorry, your babe is still young. Eye contact took a while for us as well, but very shortly after he started smiling!!

    Babies also won't make eye contact when overstimulated, so try prompting LO in a quiet and relaxed part of the house.
  • How about eye contact? LO is just over 6 weeks and isn't really making eye contact yet. I feel like he should be but maybe that's normal? He doesn't seem anywhere near smiling yet...if he's awake he is typically crying at this point.

    Probably nothing but worth asking your ped
  • My now 10 week old is very big on eye contact she will stare you down. I felt like it increased a bunch after 6 weeks so personally I wouldn't worry.
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