My LO will be 7 weeks on Friday. Still no social smiles...only when sleeping. Hoping it will be soon? I feel like it will help the sleep deprivation not seem as bad to get a cute little toothless grin! Anyone else not have a smiling baby at this stage yet?
Re: Waiting for that smile
Now he's 7.5 weeks and smiles throughout the day when being talked too or tickled (likes it when I move my hair across his belly, or rub my finger down the centre if his forgead/nose and chin). Maybe he would have been smiling then anyways, but I'm sure my 'nagging' helped. I haven't got many on camera, but here is a little side smirk at 6.5 wks!
Babies also won't make eye contact when overstimulated, so try prompting LO in a quiet and relaxed part of the house.