
DD does not want supplement bottle anymore

My daughter just turned 3 months and for the past week she has refused to take her supplement bottle. We always breastfeed first and then offer her a bottle and she's had no problem going back and forth and has previously drank most of what we have offered. She is a little sniffly, but this has never affected her in the past. She will nurse from both side, burp and then I will offer the bottle. She will just tongue at it and smile at me. She is happy, content, not any more fussy that usual and seems to be having the same wet/dirty diapers. Her nighttime sleep is a little wonky (wakes up 2 times, but goes right back to sleep and can sleep at least a 5 hr stretch), but Im not sure if she needs feeding at night, more comfort really. I thought that perhaps its the flow of the nipple, but this came on so suddenly. We are seeing the ped on Friday for her 3 month check up and at last weigh in a couple weeks ago she was 12 lbs. 10 oz. 

Any thoughts, ideas, experiences or suggestions? Thanks in advance!

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