My daughter will be 14 months when her sister arrives. She won't meet her until we come home. What are some good ways to introduce her? She's interacted with other babies before and gets along great. But she's only met one newborn and kept reaching trying to give him a big hug and touch his face! lol She loves anyone!
Re: Introducing #1 to #2
Unfortunately as far as the touching goes, she is always all up in her little sisters business! If it gets too much I've been switching spaces (leaving the playroom to go outside, for example). I want DD1 to keep loving her sister, and the kisses she gives are adorable; but DD2 needs her space sometimes.
It's a juggling act, but I'm thrilled with the age difference. Congrats to you! It's a wild but wonderful ride ☺️
A friend had a baby further apart than this and older hated the little. I suggested her holding sib & they looked at me like I was cray-cray. Well duh, I wasn't thinking just let them sit alone. New baby needs support...