Hello ladies. My grandmother and mother are planning two showers for me in the next two months (my extended family and in-laws live about 10 hrs away). My husband and I have decided to cloth diaper our baby. I've mentioned this to my mom and mother in law, and put some cloth diapers on our registry (even though we're not buying our stash until trying out different brands through a local baby stores trial program first) to try to clue people in, as well as wrote in our BRU registry note online that we're cloth diapering and thanks to a friend already have a full year worth of clothes. However, at all of my friends baby showers in our local community and in my family, people get diapers and clothes almost exclusively. The clothes aren't a problem--even if we don't need them they will still get used and adored as intended. But I'm talking hundreds of dollars worth of diapers--almost enough for a full year--in piles over multiple tables per baby shower. I'm sure having some disposables on hand will be helpful, but I doubt we'll use even 10% of what I've seen others receive.
I totally get that you shouldn't tell people what to buy or what not to buy for your shower. On the other hand as a guest I'd be pretty pissed off if I spent $50 on diapers, thinking that they were a super practical gift and found out that they were not going to be used at all by the recipient, particularly if I could have been given that info ahead of time. Considering it seems like about half the people in my social circle buy diapers and probably don't look at the registry (because "who doesn't need diapers?"--which is true in most cases), I could have a lot of upset guests on my hands when they hear that we're only using cloth, particularly if this comes up during the shower itself (i.e. if my MIL who is really into the cloth idea buys us a big cloth diapering kit or something, or it comes up in conversation before we open gifts). Is there any way to spread this kind of info around in a way that isn't rude other than what I've done?
P.S.--Also: How should I handle a situation if someone finds out we're using cloth for the first time during the shower and is upset because they bought a bunch of disposables? It might sound silly but I could see it happen with some of my relatives. Does anyone have any recommendations about returning/exchanging for store credit disposable diapers? I'm guessing I could always donate them as well, but again that might upset my family if they ever found out.
Re: Polite way to let people know we aren't using disposable diapers?/Returning diapers?
I've returned diapers for store credit before (got too many newborn, not enough stage 1). I was surprised though that different stores have different packs and barcodes for seemingly the same pack of diapers which makes it difficult to return. Pretty much all stores will take back anything on your registry so I waited till after the showers were over and added the items to my registry online that I wanted to return, then returned them. This also helped me figure out where the items came from for the most part.
I hope everything works out and I guess if you do recieve disposables just be gracious and say how handy they will be for travel etc. good luck!
We also added a nice, simple note to the top of our registry explaining some of our registry decisions, including that we plan to use cloth diapers.
At your shower, though, if people figure it out then, still be gracious and say what you said here "Oh- I expect we will use disposables sometimes, so we'll be holding on to these!" with a smile and then move on.
And in the end, we're talking about disposable diapers. I would really hope that your family doesn't place SO MUCH EMPHASIS on an item that catches poop and pee that they really get all that upset over it. We're not talking heirloom family item passed down for generations!
It sucks, though, that they won't simply respect your choice on this!
They're just diapers and I figure worst case scenario I can keep a couple packs for myself for long car rides and donate the rest to shelters/food pantries. People are always in need and the diapers gifted to you could be very useful to them.
I'd keep a package or two for emergencies. If baby gets a diaper rash or you are stuck out (with blow-outs and no fresh cloth) then it will save your life. You don't have to use them all if you get a ton, but donation and keeping some around for emergencies is wise.
Also, if you have some that you don't want consider donating the unopened package to airline customer service areas. You can drop them off at the airport. I can't tell you how many times I've helped other moms on the fly at the airport who run out of diapers or go through them all.
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