January 2016 Moms

TMI discharge, or something more?

I just had a large amount of cloudy discharge, very watery, enough to make a small puddle. At first I thought I may have wet myself, until I noticed it was clearly white and cloudy. I've been having slight pain, but nothing to severe. It is Sunday night here, and I'm going to call my doctor in the morning, my question is, is this serious? Should I be calling the hospital now? Or can it wait for the doctor in the morning?

Re: TMI discharge, or something more?

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    I would give your ER/midwife a quick call. If could be just discharge, it could be amniotic fluid.
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    I've had a ton of discharge like this where it felt like I wet myself numerous times during the day. Had some cultures done that came back negative throughout my pregnancy and one done last week that came back positive for some bacteria. I would call your doctor and mention the pain so they can get you in for a check and culture.
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    Call your doctor if you are worried, of course.  I just wanted to say that pregnancy can be a very wet, watery, discharge-y experience.  Often women end up wearing liners through the second half to deal with the "snail trail" (I did not name it that ::gag::) 

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    I suppose the disconcerting thing was the amount enough to make a puddle on the floor... Anyway I'm at the hospital now, hopefully it really is just discharge, as I've had no more leaking, and I still think I feel the baby moving. I'll know in a few hours.
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