January 2016 Moms

Back pain tip!

my lower back has hurt something fierce this week! So I looked up pregnancy pillows, and I stumbled across a tip.
Roll up a towel and place it under your lower back while you lay down. So far it's been working really well for me. I placed it right above my hips. It feels as though it's stretching my back and offering support

Re: Back pain tip!

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    Sounds great, I'm definitely going to give that a go, thanks! ;-) xx
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    I'm currently doing so. I'm a chef so I'm on my feet all day. My back and my feet have been screaming all week. I might have to learn to cook sitting in a chair lol
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    I'm going to be doing it very soon, should be in bed really, it's 1.20am, but got a day off tomorrow and watching trash on the TV!
    God that must be hard work at any time, let alone during pregnancy, no wonder your back and feet hurt like mad. Yeah I would definitely consider the chair option lol!
    Enjoy your towel xxxx
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    It's hard work. It's really been taking its toll. One of the girls just hit 35 weeks. I have no idea how she's doing it, especially with it being busy lately and the heat.
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    I really admire you ladies, sounds intense!! And the poor girl still doing it at 35 weeks, wow, what a trooper.
    Hope you get to chill on your days off, and have some you and bump time!! Xxxxx ;-)
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    The towel under the back is actually doing the opposite of stretching- my doc said lots of women make the mistake of stretching their already-stretched muscles and making the pain worse. You have the right idea! You actually want to let the muscles relax and get all loosey-goosey as much as possible. My doc suggested doing upward dog/cobra poses from yoga, but how he expects me to do that with a ginormous pregnancy belly I have no idea...
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    Also God bless you for working on yor feet all day. I barely want to walk to the mailbox these days...
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    yfvkuyfvku member
    edited August 2015

    my lower back has hurt something fierce this week! So I looked up pregnancy pillows, and I stumbled across a tip.
    Roll up a towel and place it under your lower back while you lay down. So far it's been working really well for me. I placed it right above my hips. It feels as though it's stretching my back and offering support

    The towel idea is a life saving idea to me. I have been experiencing lower back pain in past 2,3 weeks, especially when I lie down sideways. Guess the hormones does loosen up the bone structures, when my hip and rib is taking the body load, my mid-back spine tend to sink toward the bed, result is I had to turn every few mins before the pain become tense. A softer bed helps, but not much. I tried the towel last night, I end up such a pain free and enjoyable sleep. About 4,5 layer of towel just levels up my spine. Really wondeful and thank you for the tip!!!
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