January 2016 Moms

I'm already waddling!!!

i don't know where this would go would it be under symptoms if so sorry ladies.

But I'm 19 weeks today and just recently over the past week or so I've noticed I have a little sway side to side when I walk and it just hit me today in Walmart literally 10 minutes ago. I HAVE THE PREGNANT WADDLE! I feel like it's too early but I notice my hips have gotten wider even though I'm already curvy I have what they call baby making hips or for more of a conservative mind a fertile figure whichever floats your boat. It gets way worse if my lower back is hurting from doing whatever running errands or sitting in a uncomfy chair or whatever I walk with my hand on my lower back and boy do I get eyes of sympathy I just can't imagine what I'll be like when I am further along.

When did any of you mamas start waddling or did you ever waddle with any of your pregnancies?

Also I'm a FTM btw.

Re: I'm already waddling!!!

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    I'm right there with you!! I'm 18 weeks +4 days, and with my sore hips and back ache I can't help but change the way I walk.
    I've also found myself holding my bump at the bottom when it's feeling bit sore and achy! I'm loving the journey so far, but it does take more out of you than I ever expected. It's weird how some ladies I know say that they don't feel any different, at all? I feel like a completely different person right now. Xx
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    Yes for some reason I have an obsession with touching my belly button because it's on the verge of becoming an outie so I always just feel it through my shirt. @jodieHxx I was feeling somewhat myself just hungrier and sleepier but now with the walk it's totally thrown me off.
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    Yeah I know what you mean as well with the belly button touching lol! Mines not on the verge of becoming an outie just yet, but the skin at the top of it has got very tight now. It's weird taking in all the changes, every day is a new journey lol xxxxxxx
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    Im 17w and I noticed today I waddled. My belly button is also starting to become less deep.. The joys!
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    Haha you're not alone - I've definitely got the waddle going on. The more I kind of "spread out," the less pain I'm in. I'm also constantly rubbing around my belly button just because it hurts.

    Oh the joys of pregnancy! :)
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    I don't have it yet but I DEFINITELY had it with DD. I forget when it started, but it was worst when my lower back hurt, for sure. Then you get the hand on the back and the waddle and oh boy people are afraid you're going into labor right then and there! Haha I actually got it pretty late with DD and I remember being so excited when it finally happened because up until then I was just a normal walker with a big ol' belly and I thought the waddle was cute and very pg-like. After a day or two that wore off and I missed walking normal. :P
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    Emott13 said:

    I don't have it yet but I DEFINITELY had it with DD. I forget when it started, but it was worst when my lower back hurt, for sure. Then you get the hand on the back and the waddle and oh boy people are afraid you're going into labor right then and there! Haha I actually got it pretty late with DD and I remember being so excited when it finally happened because up until then I was just a normal walker with a big ol' belly and I thought the waddle was cute and very pg-like. After a day or two that wore off and I missed walking normal. :P

    That's exactly how I was in Walmart lol hand on back and all but my bump is there but not huge to they think I'm gonna go into labor. But it sure was some stares going on. I always thought it was cute as well but I just think about it like when I get really big. My SO has started calling me his cute little duck now.
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    @QueenCarlissa awww what a sympathetic SO. :P
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    16 weeks and desperately want to waddle due to back pain. I'm holding it in until I feel appropriately confident!
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    I'm only 16w but have been having pretty bad lower back/sciatica pain and find myself doing the waddle at the end of the day!
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    18 weeks 6 days and totally waddling over here too -- haha. 

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    I literally didn't even think about my belly button until reading this and just looked at mine and it's so different!!!! My pregnancy brain has made me aloof and thefore my attention to detail is very......odd right now. Weird!! No waddling here but like PP said, if we are having a big day out and about my lower stomach will get achy so I end up holding it, sometimes I don't even realize until I look down and I notice I'm holding my pregnant belly! I think I'm still in shock haha.
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    17 weeks here and after walking for long periods of time I can't help but try to hold in it but sometimes I just waddle because my lower back and my sciatica start to hurt so bad . Not showing much yet but wonder when my belly button will start to stretch out
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    I never really get the waddle when pregnant until the last month or two, and only then after sitting for long periods of time.  Getting up after sitting for too long hurts!  I'm taller, though (not freakishly - just 5'8), so I think that helps.  My shorter friends all definitely had the waddle early on.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

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    enkbenkb member
    I've got a bit of a waddle going at 18w2 as a ftm, and I'm shocked that it's started soo early!  Also glad to know I'm not the only one with weird belly button things happening, it hurts!  Not an outtie yet, just skin stretched tighter and tender.
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    Definitely not. Thank goodness. At 5 ft tall I didn't have one until the last month of pregnancy. :-O Though this time around I kinda feel like maternity pants are to blame, mine keep on slipping and causing a weird waddle walk. Regular pants aka sweat pants do not cause this issue.
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    I'm totally calling it pregnancy swagger now. I noticed I do it at work recently, haha! And the belly button thing - I am so close to being an outie, I can't stop playing with it. I thought I was being weird. :)
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    @Mamabeagle LOVE IT. #pgswag
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    Haha 16w2d and already have the swagger. I think mine is due to the shooting pain down my a**.
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