January 2016 Moms

Foods to avoid this week (US)

I just ran into this article about breakouts of listeria and salmonella in the US (in cilantro and macadamia nuts), I thought I'd share it:

Re: Foods to avoid this week (US)

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    woops, I had a taco party last night and fed about 8 people, including myself, 2 bunches of cilantro. Cest la vie!!
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    The cilantro that is contaminated is coming from a specific area in Mexico, so you could be just fine.
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    @kmo8986 oh I'm not worried haha. I read all about the "feces" contaminated cilantro the other day. It looked clean and tasted fece-free. ;)
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    @kmo8986 oh I'm not worried haha. I read all about the "feces" contaminated cilantro the other day. It looked clean and tasted fece-free. ;)

    Good :-) I was kind of feeling like if you wash it shouldn't it be fine anyway?
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