October 2015 Moms

Tdap reaction?

I received my Tdap shot yesterday and today I feel like crap. My arm is red,hot and swollen around the injection site. Plus,my arm is killing me. Now I'm starting to feel like I'm getting sick. Anyone have these side effects and were you told it was normal? I don't want to bug my OB about it.

Re: Tdap reaction?

  • I had tdap about 5 years ago and had the same reaction. My arm felt vey bruised and sore for about a week too. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to that again.
  • I think I posted this on another thread before, but DH had a "moderate" reaction. The CDC website has info about it. He was nauseated, had a mild fever, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, injection site swelling and pain. Not fun, but not gonna end your world. I'd still check with your OB if you're worried, because the symptoms are kinda general.
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  • I had mine last week and had a similar reaction. After about 3 to 4 days the swelling, redness and ache went away. I was a little nervous since I never react to shots. My mom (a nurse) said it's normal with the tdap.
  • I had a reaction a few weeks ago and it was not fun! My arm was really sore the rest of the day after the shot (it hurt to even pick up an empty plastic cup), and that night my entire body was achy and I developed a fever. I was struggling to keep my temperature below 100 degrees with Tylenol. I called the OB on call and he suggested that I come in to the hospital if I couldn't keep it under 101 degrees. I spoke with the nurse on call the next morning (I still had a fever 12 hours later so I called again) and she suggested trying Benadryl as well. I didn't have any on hand, but that might be an option.

    I hope you start feeling better!
  • Thanks everyone! I am off tomorrow so I might just try the Benadryl and give it time. I was freaking out a bit because I had this vaccine 5 years ago for school with no reaction. You have to love pregnancy.
  • kmwlkmwl member

    Thanks everyone! I am off tomorrow so I might just try the Benadryl and give it time. I was freaking out a bit because I had this vaccine 5 years ago for school with no reaction. You have to love pregnancy.

    You had the vaccine before? How long is it good for? I thought it was a once and done thing.
  • I had one too! The picture below is 2 days post vaccine. Today is day 3 and the redness has gone down a bit more but the size is a little bigger. It's not as hot or raised today. My OB didn't seem too worried about it. I just kept an eye on the size. No other side effects other than this and feeling like I got punched in the arm lol.
  • kmwl said:
    Thanks everyone! I am off tomorrow so I might just try the Benadryl and give it time. I was freaking out a bit because I had this vaccine 5 years ago for school with no reaction. You have to love pregnancy.
    You had the vaccine before? How long is it good for? I thought it was a once and done thing.
    I had one 3-4 years ago. My doctor said even if I've had it in the past year, they would revaccinate around 35-36 weeks to help pass immunity to the baby. I do remember being very sore after the vaccine, much more than a typical flu shot or even a regular tetanus from what I remember. 
  • My arm has been hurting for 2 weeks after getting the TDaP shot. Could barely move it for a few days.

    I've gotten one before and it hurt for one day, that's it.

    Some people may only get the vaccine once, but if you're pregnant, you'll get it during your third trimester every time to help pass antibodies on to your baby. Also, anyone who's going to be living with or be around the baby a lot will need them even if they've already had one to help protect baby.
  • kmwl said:

    Thanks everyone! I am off tomorrow so I might just try the Benadryl and give it time. I was freaking out a bit because I had this vaccine 5 years ago for school with no reaction. You have to love pregnancy.

    You had the vaccine before? How long is it good for? I thought it was a once and done thing.
    I had one 4 years ago. My OB said that they vaccinate for tdap with every pregnancy. I got mine this past Tuesday and she said even if I'm pregnant again a year from now then I would have to get it again. She explained that it's to vaccinate the baby and not so much for me. Pertussis has been on the rise so now they try to get the baby vaccinated before they're even born. There's a window where it the vaccine can be passed.

    My fiancé had his last year so he's fine and I know my mom had hers about 3 years ago.

    My arm was sore for 2 days afterwards. Not so much today. Just a little bit.
  • Yepp! Totally normal. I was told if it lasts longer than a week to contact the doctor. My symptoms lasted 6 days.
  • https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/tdap.html

    This is the link to CDC's Vaccine Info Sheet (VIS) for Tdap.  A VIS is required by law to be given to any patient receiving any vaccine.  It has all the risks, reactions, benefits, etc for whatever vaccine you are given.  It is your best source of info about vaccines.

    It does say 1 in 5 people will have redness or swelling around the insertion site.  Sorry you had a reaction, but it should go away in a few days.
  • I had mine Thursday and my arm feels black and blue. No sickness. It is normal for your arm to be sore.
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  • I had it as an infant and back then it caused a high fever and seizures. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Looks like they've improved on side effects, but not enough for me to try again!

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • I got mine on Wednesday, felt sore (like working out to hard) when I lifted my arm Thursday & Friday, and today I didn't notice any pain until I read this post lol!

    Your symptoms sound normal but I don't know if they should last more than a few days.
  • Mine was super sore for about a week. It was hard to lift certain things and I couldn't sleep on that side. Perfectly normal but I had no prior warning it would do that. You can imagine how confused I was that the rhogam shot I got the same day wasn't hurting.
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