I received my Tdap shot yesterday and today I feel like crap. My arm is red,hot and swollen around the injection site. Plus,my arm is killing me. Now I'm starting to feel like I'm getting sick. Anyone have these side effects and were you told it was normal? I don't want to bug my OB about it.
Re: Tdap reaction?
I hope you start feeling better!
I've gotten one before and it hurt for one day, that's it.
Some people may only get the vaccine once, but if you're pregnant, you'll get it during your third trimester every time to help pass antibodies on to your baby. Also, anyone who's going to be living with or be around the baby a lot will need them even if they've already had one to help protect baby.
My fiancé had his last year so he's fine and I know my mom had hers about 3 years ago.
My arm was sore for 2 days afterwards. Not so much today. Just a little bit.
Hope you feel better soon.
Your symptoms sound normal but I don't know if they should last more than a few days.