January 2016 Moms

Did I feel the baby move?

I'm 18 weeks 5 days and think I felt the baby move for the first time on Wednesday. I'm sure it feels different for everyone, but I was standing and all of a sudden it felt like a butterfly fluttered its wings against my belly. I actually looked down when I felt it because I was at a campground and actually thought there was something on me! When I looked down there wasn't anything there and instantly thought it was the baby. I felt it up really high, under my breast bone in the middle. This is my first, so I'm not quite sure what to expect. Does this sound accurate? I haven't felt anything since. I'm not worrying if it wasn't the baby, just curious. Thanks!

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Re: Did I feel the baby move?

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    litlbaby2016litlbaby2016 member
    edited August 2015
    Darn! My husband thought maybe it was just gas because it was up so high. However, I've never had that sort of feeling before so that's what make me think it was the baby. I go for my 20 week ultrasound Aug 22nd so we'll see how far up this baby really is. I will be 21 weeks the next day, so hopefully I'll be feeling more soon!
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    Ok, I will try to test it out tonight :). Thanks!
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    @litlbaby2016 I just had that same feeling in the same spot (I'm 18w2d FTM). I am just assuming it's not the baby but that it's some how pregnancy related because it's definitely a feeling I've never had before.
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