So my last post was a little snarky, but this TWW kills me.
I get so so much doubt every time. And even though it's only 2dpiui I'm dreading the reality of this cycle not working. Even though everything looked perfect. TTC makes all of my worst emotions surface all at once.
How do you guys stay upbeat during the TWW, and what do you to pass the time?
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16