May 2015 Moms

No wet diaper!?

so this just started about a week ago.. My LO doesn't wake up with a wet diaper from sleeping 11 hours a night! She pees and poos just fine during the day.. But sometimes not every night when she wakes up in the morning she doesn't have a wet diaper? I find this strange. She doesn't show signs of pain like she would if she had a bladder infection from "holding" in the pee??

Is anyone else's LOs doing this? My husband was like maybe this means she won't wet the bed when she is older??

Re: No wet diaper!?

  • My LO doesn't have a wet diaper when she wakes up from her naps (3 hours). We keep her in the diaper for 5 extra minutes, so she can pee otherwise she will pee all over the changing table. 
  • MrsS728 said:

    My LO doesn't have a wet diaper when she wakes up from her naps (3 hours). We keep her in the diaper for 5 extra minutes, so she can pee otherwise she will pee all over the changing table. 

    That's better than all over everything like my son!! Lol.. He even shot it into his mouth!! So gross!! I've tried everything to make sure he has went or its coverd.. Sometime it just happens.. Hahaha
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  • Both my LOs do this. The diaper from their long overnight sleep is usually fairly dry. It's actually the second diaper in the morning that is soaked! I am a FTM with no experience in this but am taking it as a positive sign for the future!
  • Both my LOs do this. The diaper from their long overnight sleep is usually fairly dry. It's actually the second diaper in the morning that is soaked! I am a FTM with no experience in this but am taking it as a positive sign for the future!

    Thank you! I thought this is sooo weird! I am also. FTM and the second diaper of the morning is always super full! So I will take it as a positive sign as well!
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